
King Edward II
King of England
Gaveston, Piers エドワードUの愛人
King James I King of England
Richard the Lionheart - King of England
Studds, Representative Gerry 民主党議員 未成年少年との性交渉で逮捕

アレクサンダー・フォン・フンボルト ドイツの博物学者兼探検家、地理学者。プロシアの首相であり言語学者のヴィルヘルム・フォン・フンボルトの弟である。
アラン・チューリング 英国の数学者である。1912年、ロンドンに生まれた。電子計算方式の「チューリングモデル」を初めとした画期的業績で、フォン・ノイマン(von Neumann)と並ぶ電子計算機実用化の祖とされる。


Edward Albee 劇作家
Clive Barker, - Writer, Director
William S. Burroughs,
Truman Capote
Cocteau, Jean
Coward, Noel 作家、俳優
Andersen, Hans Christian
Forster, E. M.
Ginsberg, Allen

Isherwood, Christopher

Lawrence, D. H.
Lord Byron
Melville, Herman Author
Maugham, W. Somerset
Proust, Marcel
Shelley, Mary - Author
ジョン・レチー 『ラッシュ』
プラトン 古代ギリシャの哲学者
Joe Orton 英国の劇作家。後に愛人に殺された。その生涯を題材にした映画が『プリック・アップ』
マルグリット・ユルスナール フランスの女性作家
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 哲学者
Voltaire 作家
James Merrill アメリカの詩人
サミュエル・R・ディレイニー アメリカの詩人でSF作家。黒人でゲイ。妻は詩人のマリリン・ハッカー。
Allen Ginsberg
Quentin Crisp 作家。日本で和訳されているのは『魔性の犬』ハヤカワ文庫
ロジェ・マルタン・デュ・ガール チボー家の人々

Wagner, Richard
Warhol, Andy
Scott Wittman 演出家 2002年舞台版『ヘアースプレイ』
ビリー・ストレイホーン ジャズ・ミュージシャン
スメタナ モルダウの作曲家
ブルース・ウェバー 1946- American photographer and film director, born in Greenburg, Pennsylvania.
Amerikaanse fotograaf en filmregisseur, geboren in Greenburg, Pennsylvani?/i>
Books: Bruce Weber (1983), Bear Pond (1990), Gentle Giants (1995), A house is not a home (1996), Branded youth and other stories (1997), The Chop Suey Club
Films: Broken noses (1987), The beauty brothers part I-IV (1987), Let's get lost (1988), Back yard movie (1991), Gentle Giants (1994), The Teddy Boys of the Edwardian Draper Society (1995), Chop Suey (2000)
Bruce Weber
Michelangelo (Bounarotti) 1475-1564 Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet, born in Florence. Well known for the statue of David (1504).
Gilbert Proesch 1943- Italian artist, born in San Martino. In 1967 he met his partner George Passmore, with whom he workes together under the name 'Gilbert and George', at Central St. Martin's School of Art.
George Gershwin 1898-1937 American composer, who wrote several evergreens together with lyricist brother Ira. His real name was Jacob Gershovitz. Orchestral works: Rhapsody in Blue, An American in Paris Opera: Blue Monday (1922), Porgy and Bess
Musical: Half past Eight (1918)
Frida Kahlo 1907-1954 Bisexual Mexican painter, born as Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo in Coyoacan, a suburb of Mexico-city.
Leonide Massine 1896-1979 Russian dancer and choreographer, born in Moscow. He was choreographer at the Ballet Russes from 1915-1921 and lover of it's impresario Sergei Diaghilev from 1914-1921. He later went to the United States and choreographed for the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo (1932-1939) and the American Ballet Theatre.
Francis Poulenc 1899-1963 French composer, born in Paris.
Franse componist, geboren in Parijs.
Ballets: Les biches (1923), Aubade (1929)
Opera's: Les Mamelles de Tir鳩as (1944), Dialogues of the Carmelites (1955), La voix humane (1958)
Francis Poulenc
バーニス・アボット 1898-1991 アメリカの女性写真家。
Berenice Abbott was born in Springford, Ohio, in 1898. After graduating from Ohio State University she moved to New York to study journalism, but eventually decided on sculpture and painting. In 1921 she moved to Paris to study with sculptor Emile Bourdelle. Abbot also worked with the surrealist photographer, Man Ray (1923-25), before opening her own studio in Paris. She photographed the leading artists in France and had her first exhibition at the Au Sacre du Printemps Gallery in 1926. Abbott returned to the United States in 1929 and embarked on a project to photograph New York. In 1935 she managed to obtain funding for this venture from the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and its Federal Art Project. In 1936 Abbott joined with Paul Strand to establish the Photo League. Its initial purpose was to provide the radical press with photographs of trade union activities and political protests. Later the group decided to organize local projects where members concentrated on photographing working class communities. Abbott's photographs of New York appeared in the exhibition, Changing New York, at the Museum of the City in 1937. A book, Changing New York, was published in 1939. She is also published a Guide to Better Photography (1941). In the late 1950s Abbott began to take photographs that illustrated the laws of physics. Berenice Abbott died in Monson, Maine, in 1991. Books: Guide to better photography (1941)
David del Tredici
(march 16, 1937)
American pianist and composer, born as David Walter del Tredici in Cloverdale, California. He studied at Berkeley and Princeton.
Amerikaanse pianist en componist, geboren als David Walter del Tredici in Cloverdale, Californi?Hij heeft aan Berkeley en Princeton gestudeerd.
Works: PopPourri (1968), Vintage Alice (1972), In wonderland (1975), Final Alice (1976)
CD's: Secret music
David del Tredici

Sir Michael Tippett
(January 2, 1905 - January 8, 1998)
British composer, born in London as Michael Kemp Tippett. He studied music at the Royal College. He died in london.
Britse componist, geboren in Londen als Michael Kemp Tippett. Hij studeerde muziek aan het Royal College. Hij overleed in Londen.
Operas: The midsummer marriage (1955)
Website: http://www.michael-tippett.com/
Sir Michael Tippett
John Cage (September 5, 1912 - August 12, 1992)
American composer, painter and poet, born in Los Angeles.
Keith Haring
(may 4, 1958 - February 16, 1990)
American artist, who was born in Reading, Pennsylvania as Keith Allen Haring. He grew up in Kutztown and studied at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts (1976-1978) and the School of Visual Arts in New York. His first mayor exhibition was in 1982 at Tony Shafrazi's Gallery in New York. His first exhibition in Europe was in the same year in Gallerie 't Venster in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Haring died in New York of Aids.
Amerikaans kunstenaar, die geboren is in Reading, Penssylvania, als Keith Allen Haring. Hij is opgegroeid in Kutztown en heeft gestudeerd aan het Pittburgh Center for the arts (1976-1978) en de School of Visual Arts in New York. Zijn eerste grote tentoonstelling was in 1982 in de gallerie van Tony Shafrazi in New York. Zijn eerste tentoonstelling in Europe werd in het zelfde jaar gehouden in Gallerie 't Venster in Rotterdam, Nederland. Haring stierf in New York aan Aids.
Keith Haring One of Haring's drawings
Joe Phillips
American cartoonist, born in Atlanta. Phillips has worked for DC Comics and Innovation Comics.
Website: http://www.joephillips.com/
Works Boys will be boys 2003 calender, Rage (2002)
Rudi van Dantzig (August 4, 1933)
Dutch choreographer, leader of ballet company 'Het Nationaal Ballet' (1971-1991), stage director and writer. In 2001 was discovered van Dantzig has lymph node cancer. Ballets: Nachteiland (1955), Ombros (1961), Monument voor een gestorven jongen (1965), Antwoord gevend (1980), Voorbij gegaan, Vier letzte Lieder, Ogenblikken, Lommer (2002) Directing Toen gij naakt en bloot waart (Toneelgroep de Appel, 1998) Books: Voor een verloren soldaat (1986), Het spoor van een komeet (1993), Afgrond.

Gilles Blanchard (1953)
French photographer and artist, who was born in Le Havre. Together with his partner Pierre Commoy he works as 'Pierre et Gilles'. They met in 1976 and began working together in 1977.

Pierre Commoy (1949)
French photographer and artist, who was born in La Roche-sur-Yon. Together with his partner Gilles Blanchard he is 'Pierre et Gilles'. They met in 1976 and began working together in 1977.



ドメニコ・ドルチェ ステファノ・ガバーナ
Gianni Versace

Alexander Kapranos (Alex)
アレクサンダー・カプラノス (アレックス) 

フランツ・フェルディナンド(Franz Ferdinand)はスコットランド、グラスゴー出身のロックバンド。バンド名の由来は、第一次世界大戦のキッカケとなったサラエヴォ事件で暗殺されたフランツ・フェルディナント大公からで、響きの良さから選んだとのこと。なお、日本の音楽業界では「フランツ・フェルディナンド」の表記で定着しているため、本稿もそれに従う(英語の発音に従えば「フランツ・ファーディナンド」)。


Tom Paton British manager of the teenybopperband The Bay City Rollers. In 1982 he was sentenced to three years jail for a series of sexual liaisons with teenage boys.
マイヤー・フェルスター アルト・ハイデルベルク


Bankhead, Tallulah
Bernhardt, Sandra
Bernstein, Leonard
Bowie, David
Brando, Marlon
Clift, Montgomery
Dean, James
Degeneres, Ellen
Epstein, Brian

Flynn, Errol
Holiday, Billie
Hudson, Rock - Actor
Hulce, Tom
Jewel - Singer, Entertainer
John, Elton - Entertainer
Johnson, Holly - Entertainer
Kaye, Danny - Actor
Laughton, Charles
lang, k.d. - Singer, Entertainer
Liberace - Entertainer
Mathis, Johnny
Perkins, Anthony
Power, Tyrone
Ray, Amy Member of the Indigo Girls
Reed, Robert - Actor
Saliers, Emily Member of the Indigo Girls
Sargent, Dick

Rupert Everett
フレッド・ハーシュ ジャズ・ピアニスト
ディック・サージェント 『奥様は魔女』の初代ダーリン役がディック・ヨークだったけど引退をして、二代目ダーリン役を引き継いだ。
Murphy, Diane 『奥様は魔女』の娘役を、エリンとダイアン・マーフィーの双子が交代で演じた。エリンは俳優業を続け、ダイアンは保護団体で活躍中。
フレディ・マーキュリー Freddie Mercury Zoroastrian
Michelangelo Signorile (radio host) Catholic
Ian McKellen
Rudolf Nureyev
Rock Hudson

リチャード・リン・カーペンター 1946-
Tom Robinson 1950- British bisexual singer/guitar player.
Nathan Lane 1956- American actor, born as Joseph Lane in Jersey City, New Jersey.
Amerikaans akteur, geboren als Joseph Lane in Jersey City, New Jersey.
Films: Ironweed (1987), Joe versus the volcano (1990), Addams Family values (1993), The Lion King (the voice of Timon)(1994), Jeffrey (1995), The birdcage (1996), Mouse hunt (1997), The Lion King II: Simba's pride (the voice of Timon)(1998)
Theatre: The wind in the willows (1985), Guys and Dolls (1992), Laughter on the 23rd floor (1993-1994), Love! Valour! Compassion! (1994-1995), The Producers (2001-2002, as Max Bialystock)
TV: The boys next door (1996), Life of the party (2002)
Nathan Lane
RuPaul 1960- American drag artist and TV-host, born in San Diego, California, as RuPaul Andre Charles.
Hits: Supermodel (you better work)
CD's: Supermodel of the world (1993), Foxy lady (1996)
TV: The RuPaul show
Film: A very Brady sequel, But I'm a cheerleader (1999)
Autobiography: Lettin' it all hang out (1995)
Website: http://www.rupaul.net/
RuPaul in drag
ホン・ソクチョン Hong Sok-Chon
South Korean comedian, actor and singer. He was the first Korean celebrity to acknowledge being gay. After coming out he was fired as a host from TV-show 'Po Po Po' and radio-sitcom 'Nobody can deal with my family'.
Zuid-Koreaanse komiek, akteur en zanger. Hij was de eerste Koreaanse bekendheid die er voor uitkwam dat hij homo is. Na zijn coming-out werd hij ontslagen als presentator van de TV-show 'Po Po Po' en het radio-hoorspel 'Nobody can deal with my family'.
TV: Po Po Po, Sex and Health
CD: Santa baby
Dick Sargent 1930-94 『奥様は魔女』の二度目のダーリン
Dirk Bogarde 1921-1999 British actor and writer, born in Hampstead, England. Real name: Dirk Niven van den Bogaerde.The highlight of his career was his role in Luchino Visconti's "Death in Venice". The documentary 'The private life of Dirk Bogarde' shows a.o. home movies his lover of 40 years, Anthony Forwood, has made. Films: Esther Waters (1948), Doctor in the house (1954), Doctor at sea (1955), Doctor at large (1957), The victim (1961), The password is courage (1962), Doctor in Distress(1963), The Servant (1963), Oh! What a lovely war (1969), Death in Venice (1972), The night porter (1973), A bridge too far (1977), Daddy Nostalgia (1990)
Books: Jericho, A gentle occupation, West of Sunset, Voices in the garden, Closing Ranks, For the time being (1998)
George Michael 1963- British singer and songwriter, whose real name is Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou. He was born in London and started his singing career together with Andrew Ridgeley in the popgroup Wham!. He at last had his public coming out in 1998, after being caught by policeman Marcello Rodriguez with his pants down. The video of the song 'Outside' was his reaction to this arrest. Rodriguez later claimed a large financial compensation because he was traumatized and humiliated by the behaviour of George Michael.

Hits (with Wham!): Young guns(go for it)(1982), Wham Rap(1983), Bad boys(1983), Club Tropicana(1983), Wake me up before you go-go(1984), Freedom(1984), Last Christmas/Everything she wants(1984), I'm your man (1985), The edge of heaven(1986), Where did your heart go(1986) (and solo:) Careless whisper(1984), A different corner(1986), I knew you were waiting for me(with Aretha Franklin)(1987), I want your sex (1987), Jive Talkin'(with Boogie Box High)(1987), Faith(1987), Father Figure(1988), One more try(1988), Monkey(1988), Kissing a fool(1988), Heaven help me(with Deon Estus)(1989), Praying for time(1990), Freedom (1991), Heal the pain(1991), Cowboys and angels(1991), Don't let the sun go down on me(with Elton John)(1991), Too Funky(1992), Somebody to love(met Queen)(1993), Jesus to a child(1996), Fast love(1996), Spinning the wheel(1996), Older(1997), Star People '97(1997), You have been loved (1997), Outside(1998), As(1999), Shoot the dog (2002)
CD's (met Wham!): Fantastic (1983), Make it big (1984), The Final (1986), (and solo:) Faith (1987), Listen without prejudice, volume 1 (1990), Five Live (with Queen) (1993), Ladies and Gentlemen, the very best of...(1999), Songs from the last century (1999)
George Michael
Tom Hulce 1963- American actor and director, born in White Water, Wisconsin as Thomas Edward Hulce.

Films: September 30, 1955 (1977), Emily, Emily (1978), National Lampoon's Animal House (1978), Those lips, those eyes (1980), Amadeus (1984), Echo Park (1986), Slamdance (1987), Shadowman (1988), Dominick and Eugene (1988), Parenthood (1989), Black Rainbow (1990), The Inner Circle (1992), Fearless (1993), Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994), Wings of courage (1995), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996, voice of Quasimodo), The Hunchback of Notre Dame II (2002, voice of Quasimodo)
Stage (actor): Romeo and Juliet (1979), The normal Heart (1986), A few good men (1989)
Stage (director): The Cider House Rules (1995, 1995/1996, 1998, 1999)
TV: Forget-me-not-lane (1975), St. Elsewhere (1983, three episodes), The rise and rise of Daniel Rocket (1986), Joh Henry (1988), Murder in Mississippi (1990), The Heidi Chronicles (1995)
Website: http://www.hulce.com/
Tom Hulce
Felipe Rose 1954- American singer, dancer and actor, born in New York and raised in Brooklyn. He studied dance with the Ballet de Puerto Rico and graduated from Adelphi Business College. He was discovered by producer Jacques Morali while performing in the New York nightclub scene and was recruted for the disco group The Village People, where he is the Indian. Rose is actually of Puerto Rican and American Indian heritage.

Village People hits: In Hollywood (everybody is a star) (1977), Macho man (1978), YMCA (1978), In the navy (1979), Go West (1979), Can't stop the music (1980)
Film: Can't stop the music (1980)
The Village People, with Felipe Rose

Vaslav Fomitsj Nijinsky (also written as Fomich Nijinski) 1889-1950 Russian dancer, choreographer and artist, born in Kiev.
Russische danser, choreograaf en kunstenaar, geboren in Kiev.
Vaslav Nijinsky
Sir Nigel Hawthorne 1929-2001 British actor and director, born as Nigel Barnard Hawthorne in Coventry.
Britse akteur en regisseur, geboren als Nigel Barnard Hawthorne in Coventry.
TV: Holocaust (1978), Edward & Mrs Simpson (1980), Yes, Minister (1980-1992, as Sir Humphrey Appleby), A Woman Called Golda (1982), The Barchester Chronicles (1984), Jenny's War (1985), Mapp & Lucia (1985), Yes, Prime Minister (1986-1988), The Fragile Heart (1996)
Theatre: The shop at Sly Corner (1950), You can't take it with you (1951), Long day's journey into night, Talking to you (1962), Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (1971), Julius Caesar (1972), As You Like It (1974), Privates on Parade (1977), The Magistrate (1986), Hapgood (1988), Shadowlands (1989, 1990-1992), The Madness of King George (1992, as King George III
Film: Sweeney II (1978), The Sailor's Return (1978), Watership Down (1978, voice of Campion), Memoirs of a Survivor (1981), The Knowledge (1981), History of the World: Part I (1981), The World Cup: A Captain's Tale (1982), The Plague Dogs (1982), Ghandi (1982), Firefox (1982), Turtle Diary (1985), The Chain (1985), The Black Cauldron (1985), King of the Wind (1989), En H室full tid (1989), Relatively Speaking (1990), Demolition Man (1993), The madness of King George (1994), Richard III (1995), Twelfth Night: Or What You Will (1996), Inside (1996), Murder in Mind (1997), Amistad (1997), At Sachem Farm (1998), The Object of My Affection (1998), Madeline (1998), A Reasonable Man (1999), The Clandestine Marriage (1999), The Big Brass Ring (1999), The Winslow Boy (1999), Tarzan (voice, 1999)
Sir Nigel Hawthorne
Liberace 1919-1987 American extravagant pianoplayer and entertainer, born in West Allis, Wisconsin as Wladziu Valentino Liberace. In 1978 The Liberace Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada, was opened. His last performance was at Radio City Music Hall, New York, on November 2, 1986. Liberace died in Palm Springs, California, of AIDS.

TV: The Liberace show (1952-)
Films: South Sea Sinner (1950), Sincerely yours (1955)
Books: Liberace cooks, Liberace (1972, autobiography), The things I love (1976)
Biography: Liberace: An American Boy (by Darden Asbury Pyron)
Website: http://www.liberace.com/
チェット・ベイカー 1929-1988
Rudolf Nureyev

Dusty Springfield 1939-1999

British singer, born as Mary Isabel Catherine Bernadette O'Brien. Dusty started her singing career in The Lana Sisters and later with her brother Tom in The Springfields. She died of cancer in Henly-on-Thames.

Hits: Island of dreams (The Springfields) (1963), I just don't know what to do with myself (1964), You don't have to say you love me (1966), Son of a preacher man (1968), What have I done to deserve this (1987, with The Pet Shop Boys), Nothing has been proved (1989), In private (1990)
CD's: A girl called Dusty (1964), Everything's coming up Dusty (1965), Where am I going (1967), Dusty in Memphis (1968), A brand new me (1970), Cameo (1973), It begins again (1978), Living without your love (1979), White heat (1982), The collection (1990), Reputation (1990)
Dusty Springfield
Jason Gould 1966- American actor, director and son of singer, actor, director and gay icon Barbra Streisand and actor Elliot Gould.
Films: Say anything...(1989), The big picture (1989), The prince of tides (1991), Inside out (1997, producer and screenwriter), Subterfuge (1998), Boys Life 3 (2000) Theatre: The twilight of the Gods (London)

Christopher Ciccone 1960-
American artist, screenwriter, film director and set designer and brother of singer/actress/gay icon Madonna.
Josephine Baker 1906-1975 American bisexual dancer, singer and actress, who lived most of her life in France. She was born in St. Louis, Missouri. She adopted 12 children from all over the world and called them her rainbow-family. Films: Zou Zou (1934), Princess Tam Tam (1935) Songs: J'ai deux amours: mon pays et Paris
Sylvester 1946-1988 American black singer, born in Los Angeles, California, as Sylvester James. He made his stage debut with the Cockettes in 1970. Sylvester died of AIDS.

Hits: You make me feel (mighty real)(1978), Do you wanna funk (1982)
LP's/CD's: Sylvester (1977), Step II (1978), Stars (1979), Living proof (1979), Sell my soul (1980), Too hot to sleep (1981), All I need (1982), Call me (1983), M-1015LP (1984), Mutual attraction (1986), Immortal (1989)

David Williams 1959-
American singer. Together with his identical twin brother Andy (Andrew) he became quite popular in the USA after appearing in an episode of the Partridge Family. They are nephews of singer Andy Williams (Moon river).

TV: Partridge Family (episode 88: Two for the show)
LP's/CD's: Meet Andy and David Williams (1973), One more time, Two Stories (1987), The Williams Brothers (1991), Harmony Hotel (1993), The Williams Brothers: Andy & David (2002)
With brother Andy in the 70's David now

William Haines 1900-1973 American actor, born in Staunton, Virginia. Haines was Hollywoods first openly gay star. He died in Santa Monica, California.
Films: Brothers under the skin (1922), Souls for sale (1923), Three wise fools (1923), Three weeks (1924), The gaiety girl (1924), Wine of youth (1924), So this is marriage (1924), The tower of lies (1925), The smart set, Tell it to the marines, Brown of Harvard
Kathy Najimy 1957- American bisexual actress, born in San Diego, California.

Theatre: It's my party, Grease, Godspell, Don't get me started, Vagina Monologues, Dirty blonde
TV: Parallel lives: The Kathy and Mo show (1992), Ellen, She TV, Chicago Hope (1996), Veronica's closet (1997-2000), King of the Hill (voice of Peggy Hill, 1997-2002)
Films: The Fisher King (1991), Soapdish (1991), The hard way (1991), Sister Act (as Sister Mary Patrick, 1992), This is my life (1992), Sister Act 2 (1993), Hocus Pocus (1993), It's Pat, the movie (1994), Dr Seuss - In search of Dr. Seuss (1994), Jeffrey (1995), Zack & Reba (1997), Nevada (1997), Cat's don't dance (1997), CinderElmo (1997), Hope floats (1998), Bride of Chucky (1998), The Jongle book 2 (1998), Journey to a hate free Millennium (1999), If these walls could talk 2 (2000), Attention shoppers (2000), The wedding planner (2001), Rat race (2001)
Official website: kathynajimy.com
Kathy Najimy

Michael Stipe 1960- American bisexual singer of the popgroup REM and actor, born in the Atlanta suburb of Decatur.
Amerikaanse biseksuele leadzanger van de popgroep REM en akteur, geboren in Decatur, een voorstad van Atlanta.
Hits: Losing my religion (1991), Shiny Happy People (1991), Radio song (1991), Drive (1992), Man on the moon (1992), Everybody hurts (1993), What's the frequency, Kenneth (1994), Bang and blame (1994), Strange currencies (1995), E bow the letter (1996)
CD's: Document, Green, Out of time (1991), Automatic for the people (1992), Singles collected (1994), Monster (1994), New Adventures in hi-fi (1996), Reveal (2001)
Films: Color of a brisk and leaping day (1996)
Michael Stipe
Pansy Division
American all-gay Rock band, which started in 1991. The band members are guitarist/singer Jon Ginoli, bassist/singer Chris Freeman, drummer Luis and guitarist Patrick Goodwin.
Amerikaanse Rock band, die geheel uit homo's bestaat en die gestart is in 1991. De leden van de band zijn guitarist/zanger Jon Ginoli, bassist/zanger Chris Freeman, drummer Luis en guitarist Patrick Goodwin.
CD's: Undressed (1993), Deflowered (1994), Pileup (1995), Wish I'd taken pictures (1996), More lovin' from our oven (1997), Absurd pop song romance (1998)
Website: http://www.pansydivision.com/
Pansy Division
Johnny Mathis 1935- American singer, born in Gilmer, Texas and raised in San Francisco. His real name is John Royce Mathis. Mathis' 1958 album 'Greatest hits' spent 490 continious weeks in the American Album charts which brought him in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Hits: It's not for me to say (1957), A certain smile (1958), I'm stone in love with you (1975), Too much too little too late (1978), Gone gone gone (1981)
CD's (a selection): A new sound in popular song (1956), Wonderful, wonderful (1957), Greatest hits (1958), Merry Christmas (1958), More greatest hits (1959), I'll buy you a star (1961), Johnny (1963), Love story (1971), Killing me softly with her song (1973), You light up my life (1978), That's what friends are for (1978), Friends in love (1982), A special part of me (1984), The Hollywood musicals (1986), Love songs (1988), In a sentimental mood (1990), All about love (1996), The Global Masters (1997), Because you loved me (1998), Christmas is ... (1999), Mathis on Broadway (2000)
Johnny Mathis
Roddy McDowall 1928-1998 British actor and photographer, born in Hernehill, London.
Britse akteur en fotograaf, geboren in Hernehill, Londen.
Films: Lassie come home (1943), Planet of the apes (1968), Poseidon Adventure (1972), Farewell to the Planet of the apes (1974), Funny lady (1975), The thief of Bagdad (1978), Evil under the sun (1981)
Roddy McDowall
Ivor Novello 1893-1951 British actor, playwright and composer, born in Cardiff as David Ivor Davies. Novello also wrote under the names David L'Estrange and H.E.S. Davidson.

Plays (acting): Deburau (1921), The yellow jacket (1922), Spanish lovers (1922), Enter Kiki (1923), The rat (1924), Old Heidelberg (1925), Iris (1925), The firebrand (1926), Downhill (1926), Lilliom (1926), Scirocco (1927), The truth game (1928 + 1930), Symphony in two flats (1929 + 1930), I lived with you (1932), Party (1932), Flies in the sun (1933), Proscenium (1933), Murder in Mayfair (1934), The happy hypocrite (1936), Henry the 5th (1938), Ladies into action (1940), Love from a stranger (1944)
Plays (playwright): The rat (1924), Downhill (1926), The thruth game (1928), Symphony in two flats (1929), I lived with you (1932), Party (1932), Fresh fields (1933), Proscenium (1933), The sunshine letters (1933), Murder in Mayfair (1934), Full House (1935), Comedienne (1938), Ladies into action (1940), We proudly present (1947)
Ivor Novello
Joe Dallesandro 1948- American bisexual actor. Films: Flesh (1968), Trash (1970), Andy Warhol's Frankenstein (1973), Blood for Dracula (1974)
Siegfried Fischbacher 1939- German magician and animal trainer, who together with his partner Roy Horn have their own shows in Las Vegas as 'Siegfried & Roy'. Fischbacher was born in Rosenheim, Bavaria.

Klaus Nomi 1944-1983 German performer. His real name was Klaus Sperber. Nomi died of aids.
LP's/CD's: Klaus Nomi (1981), Simple man (1982), Encore (1984), In concert (1986), The collection (1991)
Klaus Nomi
Rufus Wainwright 1973- Canadian singer. Son of singer/songwriter Loudon Wainwright III and folk-singer Kate McCarrigle (Kate's hit with her sister Anne in 1976: Complainte pour Ste. Catherine).
Canadese zanger. Zoon van singer/songwriter Loudon Wainwright III en folkzangeres Kate McCarrigle (Kate's hit samen het haar zus Anne in 1976: Complainte pour Ste. Catherine).
CD: Rufus Wainwright (1998), Poses (2001)
Rufus Wainwright
Larry Steinbachek 1960 British keyboard player of popgroup Bronski Beat, born in London. See also Steve Bronski and Jimmy Somerville.
Joan Baez 1941- American singer, born as Joan Chandos Baez in Staten Island, New York. Hits: The night they drove ol' dixie down (1971) LP's / CD's: Joan Baez (1960), Joan Baez, volume 2 (1961), Joan Baez in concert (1962), Joan Baez in concert, part 2 (1963), Joan Baez 5 (1964), Joan Baez in San Francisco (1964), Farewell, Angelina (1965), Noel (1966), Joan (1967), Baptism: A journey through our time (1968), Any day now (1968), David's album (1969), One day at a time (1970), Blessed are....(1971), Carry it on (soundtrack, 1971), Come from the shadows (1972), Diamonds and rust in the Bullring (1989)
Susan Flannery 1943- American actress, born in New York (NY), known worldwide for her role as Stephanie Forrester in the soap series 'The Bold and the beautiful'. TV: Days of our lives, Dallas, The moneychangers, The bold and the beautiful Films: The towering inferno (1974)
(may 30, 1974)
American drummer and member of the all gay Rock band Pansy Division.
Jon Ginoli (December 4, 1959)
American guitarist/singer of the all gay Rock band Pansy Division. He was born as Jon Latimer Ginoli in Peoria, Illinois.
Keith Strickland
(October 26, 1953)
American member of the popgroup B-52's, born as Julian Keith Strickland. In the B52's he plays guitar and keyboard.
Amerikaans lid van de popgroep B-52's, geboren als Julian Keith Strickland. In de B52's speelt hij gitaar en keyboard.
CD's (with the B52's): The B52's, Wild planet, Party Mix, Whammy!, Mesopotamia, Bouncing off the satelites, Cosmic thing, Best of, Good Stuff, Time Capsule (1998)
Keith Strickland
Peter Allen / CD-cover (February 10, 1944 - June 18, 1992)
Australian singer/songwriter/pianist, born as Peter Woolnough in Tenterfield, New South Wales. He was married to Judy Garland's daughter Liza Minelli from 1967 - 1970. Minelli later said in an interview with 'The Advocate' that everyone knew Allen was gay except her. And about how she found out she said: "Let me put it this way: I'll never surprise anybody coming home again as long as I live". Allen also wrote hitsongs for others, like 'I honestly love you' for Olivia Newton John, 'Arthur's theme' (with Christopher Cross) and 'Don't cry out loud' for Melissa Manchester. Hits: I go to Rio (1978) LP's/CD's: Chris & Peter Allen's Album 1 (1967), Peter Allen (1971), Tenterfield Saddler (1972), Continental American (1974), Thaught by experts (1975), It's time for Peter Allen (1977), I could have been a sailor (1979), Bi-coastal (1980), Not the boy next door (1983), Peter Allen captured live at Carnegie Hall (1985), Legs Diamond - Original Broadway Cast Recording (1988), Making every moment (1990), The very best of Peter Allen, Peter Allen at his best Documentary: Peter Allen, the boy from Oz (1995) Biography: Peter Allen, the boy from Oz (Stephen MacLean, 1997)
Errol Flynn (June 20, 1909 - October 14, 1959)
Australian macho movie star, born in Hobart, Tasmania. His full name was Errol Leslie Thomson Flynn. Films: Captain Blood (1935), The charge of the light brigade (1936), The Prince and the pauper (1937), Four's a crowd (1938), The adventures of Robin Hood (1938), The Sea Hawk (1940), They died with their boots on (1941), Gentleman Jim (1942), Desperate Journey (1942), Edge of darkness (1943), Uncertain glory (1944), Objective, Burma! (1945), Silver river (1948)
Leonard Frey (September 4, 1938 - 1988)
American actor. He died of Aids. Films: The boys in the band (1970), Fiddler on the roof (1971, as Motel, the tailor), Tattoo (1981)
Anthony Perkins April 4, 1932 - September 12, 1992)
American actor. Had his greatest success with his role as Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcock's 'Psycho'. Perkins has always tried to keep his homosexuality a secret.
Amerikaans akteur. Had zijn grootste succes met zijn rol van Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcock's 'Psycho'. Perkins heeft altijd geprobeerd zijn homo-zijn geheim te houden.
Films: Psycho(1960), Le couteau dans la plaie (1963), Murder in the Orient Expres (1974), Psycho II (1983), Psycho III (1986)
Anthony Perkins
Simon Callow (June 15, 1949)
British actor, director, screenwriter and writer, born in London. TV: Inspector Morse (episode: The Wolvercote Tongue) Films: A chance in a million, A room with a view (1986), Maurice (1987), Sherlock Holmes - The crucifer of blood (1991), The ballad of the sad cafe (1991), Four weddings and a funeral (1994), Ace Ventura: When nature calls (1995), Street Fighter (1995), Jefferson in Paris (1995), A night of love (1995), James and the giant peach (1996), Bedrooms and hallways, Shakespeare in love (1998) Books: Orson Welles:The road to Xanadu (1996), Love is where it falls: An account of a passionate friendship. Theatre: The mystery of Charles Dickens (2000-2001)
Frans Bakker
Dutch singer from the group Kadanz. He also made solo records, like the wonderful 'Voorjaar (Amsterdam)' (Spring (Amsterdam)) in which he tells about a boy who takes his first steps in the gay world. Hits: In het donker (1982), Dagen dat ik je vergeet (1989), De stad (die vrijheid heet) (1990), Alles of niets (1990) LP's/CD's: Donkerblauw (1983), Pericoloso (1984), Blik op oneindig (1989), Van de wereld (1990), In het donker (1990), Aan of uit (solo, 1998)
Sugar Lee Hooper
(February 23, 1948)
Dutch singer, whose real name is Marja van der Toorn. She was born in Scheveningen. In 1998 Hooper married her partner Andrea van der Kaap.
Nederlandse zangeres, wiens echte naam Marja van der Toorn is. Ze is geboren in Scheveningen. In 1998 is Hooper getrouwd met haar vriendin Andrea van der Kaap.
Hits: De wandelclub (1995), Oh wat ben je mooi (1996)
CD: Het mag geen naam hebben (1997), Toeters en bellen
Sugar Lee Hooper
Marc Almond (July 9, 1957)
British singer and songwriter, whose real name is Peter Almond. Almond used to be a member of the popgroups Soft Cell (with dave Ball) and Marc and the Mamba's. Hits: (with Soft Cell:) Tainted love (1981), Say hello, wave goodbye (1982), Torch (1982), (and solo:) Love to love you/Johnny remember me (with Jimmy Somerville, 1985), Tears run rings (1988), Something's gotten hold of my heart (with Gene Pitney, 1989), Jacky (1991), The days of Pearly Spencer (1992) LP's/CD's: (solo:) Vermin in Ermine (1984), Stories of Johnny (1985), Violent silence (1986), Mother fist and her five daughters (1987), The stars we are (1988), Jacques (1990), Enchanted (1990), Tenement Symphony (1991), Twelve years of tears (1993), Absinthe (1993), Treasure box (1995), Fantastic star (1996), Open all night (1999), (Marc & the Mamba's:) Untitled (1982), Torment and Toreros (1983), Bite black and blue (1984), (Soft Cell:) Non Stop Erotic Dancing (1981), Non Stop Ecstatic dancing (1982), The art of falling apart (1983), The very best of Soft Cell (2002), Cruelty without beauty (2002)
Autobiography: Tainted life (1999)

Mitchell Anderson (August 21, 1961)
American actor, born in Jamestown, New York and is one of six children. He graduated with a B.A. in Theatre from Williams College, and studied at The Juilliard School in New York City before moving west. Mitchell currently lives in Los Angeles and Atlanta where he shares his life with his partner Richie Arpino and their cats, Elmo and Hot Rod. This openly gay actor is known for playing the role of Ross, the violin teacher on Party of Five. His film and television credits also include WB's Popular; Relax, It's Just Sex; The Karen Carpenter Story; and The Last Place on Earth. The host of gay.com?s Activist Way, Mitchell has devoted much of his time to working with organizations like the Victory Fund and the Human Rights Campaign. TV: Intimate encounters (1986), Student exchange (1987), The Karen Carpenter Story (1989), The comeback (1989), Doogie Howser, MD (1989-1991), Is there life out there (1994), Party of five (1994-1997, 1999-2000), If these walls could talk 2 (2000) Films: Space camp (1986), Jaws - the revenge (1987), Deadly dreams (1988), All-American murder (1992), The Mid-wife tales (1995), Relax...it's just sex (1998), Taking the plunge (1999), The last place on earth (2000)

Cristian Andreason (July 21, 1969)
American singer, born in Bellaire, Texas. CD's: The storybook, Boy called Sue Website: http://www.allaboutchristian.com/

Gordon (June 6, 1968)
Dutch singer and radio and TV-host, born in Amsterdam as Cornelis Willem Gordon Heukeroth. Gordon also published a few books about losing weight. Hits: Kon ik maar even bij je zijn (1991), Blijf je vannacht bij mij (1992), Jong voor altijd (1992), Ik hou van jou (1992), 't is zo weer voorbij (1993), Ik bel je zomaar even op (1994), We've got the power (1994), Let it be me (1995), Miracle (1995), Omdat ik zo van je hou (1995), Kijk niet meer om (1996), Geef me de kracht (1997), Jij was daar (1998), Waar ben jij (1998), Never nooit meer (1999, with Re-play), Ik kan het niet alleen (1999), Kijk (2000), Zolang (2002, with Re-play) CD's: Kon ik maar even bij je zijn (1992), Alles wat ik ben (1993), Now is the time (1994), Omdat ik zo van je hou (1996), Nu het zover is (1997), Met hart en ziel (1999), Gordon & Replay (2002) Radio: Good Gordon (Radio Noordzee FM, February 2003-) TV: Gordon doorgedraaid (Veronica TV), Read my lips (Veronica TV), Gordon's lifestyle, Goudkust (Guest appearance), Onderweg naar morgen (Guest appearance as Marc Hulskamp, 2001), Gordon - de late nichtshow (Yorin, February 2003-) Film: The road to Eldorado (voice in the Dutch version)
Eva le Gallienne (January 11, 1899 - June 3, 1991)
British actress, translator and director, born in London, England. She made her stage debut in 1914 at the Prince of Wales Theatre in London. Theatre: Bunny (1916), Mr.Lazarus (1916), The Off Chance (1918), Belinda (1918), Lusmore (1919), Elsie Janis and her gang (1919), The Swan (1923), Hedda Gabler (1928), Peter Pan (1928), The Cherry Orchard (1928), Romeo and Juliet (1930), Alice in Wonderland (1932), Liliom (1932), Camille (1935), Hamlet (1937), Uncle Harry (1942), Mary Stuart, Exit the king (1968), The Royal Family (1976) Films: The devil's disciple (1959), Resurrection (1980)
TV: The bridge of San Luis Rey (1958) Biography: Eva le Gallienne: a biography (1996, by Helen Sheehy)
ダグラス・ランバート 米国出身のテレビ俳優。「ボナンザ」「ローハイド」などに出演。新聞のインタビューで、昨年エイズで死亡した米俳優ロック・ハドソンとかつて同性愛関係にあったと語った。

Micah Barnes
Canadian singer and songwriter, former of the accapella group the Nylons (1990-1994).

Michael Barrymore (May 4, 1952)
British comedian and TV-host, born as Michael Keiran Parker in Bermondsey, South London. TV: Barrymore, Strike it lucky, My kinda people, My kinda music, Bob Martin, Barrymore on Broadway (2000) Film: Spice world (1997) Autobiography: Back in business

Paul Bartel (August 6, 1938 - may 13, 2000)
American actor and filmmaker, born in Brooklyn, NYC. He studied theater and film at the University of California in Los Angeles. TV: More tales of the city Films (directing): Private Parts (1972), Eating Raoul (1982) Films (acting): Eating Raoul (1982), Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss (1998), The living end

Sandra Bernhard (June 6, 1955)
American comedian and actress, born in Flint, Michigan. Bernhard gave birth to daughter Cicely Yasin in July 1998. TV: Roseanne Films: The King of comedy (1982), Hudson Hawk (1990) LP: I'm your woman (1985) CD's: Without you I'm nothing (1988), Excuses for bad behaviour, I'm still here, damn it!... Books/boeken: Confessions of a pretty lady, Love, Love, love, May I kiss you on the lips. Miss Sandra?

Michael Bihary (September 19, 1978)
Dutch singer, born in Bratislava, Slovakia. Website: http://www.michaelbihary.nl/

Urs Biner (July 22, 1961)
Schwiss singer, also known as Dan Daniell. He was born in Zermatt, Sauberland, where he owns restaurant 'Chez Heini' now. CD's: Traumfabrik (2000) Website: http://www.dandaniell.ch/

Alfred Biolek (September 9, 1943)
German TV-host and writer of cook-books. He is goodwill ambassador for UNFPA (United Nations Populations Fund). Books: Meine Rezepte, Die Rezepte meiner Gaste (1997), Meine neuen Rezepte und Wein wie ich ihn mag (1999) TV: Mensch Meier, Bio's bahnhof, Alfredissimo!, Boulevard bio

Shane Bodie
Canadian singer and stylist, born in Alberta. CD: Gospel (2000) Website: http://www.shanebodie.com/

Chastity Bono (March 4, 1969)
American writer and former spokesperson for Human Right Campaign and Entertainment Media director for Glaad. She is the daughter of sixties-duo 'Sonny & Cher' and was born in Los Angeles, California. (Recent hits by Cher: 'Believe' and 'Strong enough'). Books: Family outing, The end of innocence (2002)

Marijke Boon
Dutch singer, comedienne and lyricist, born in Rhoon.
Theatre: Liever gladiolen (1985), Een jurk met rozen (1987), Vandaar dat ik ween (1991), Cursus vogelkijken voor beginners (1995), One Man Show (1999), Boon zingt komkommer (2000) Books: Ik fiets door het leven op het zadel des tijds (1988)

Miguel Bos?b> (April 3, 1956)
Spanish singer and actor, born in Panama as Luis Miguel Gonz?z Bos鮠CD's: Salamandra (1989), Los chicos no Lloran (1990), Bajo el signo de Cain (1993), Laberinto (1997), Once Maneras de Ponerse un Sombrero (1998), Lo mejor de Bos?1999), Sereno (2002) Films: Vera (1973), La Orca (1976), Suspira (1976), High heels (1991), Mazeppa (1993), Queen Margot (1994), French twist (1996)

Carlo Boszhard (June 26, 1969)
Dutch TV-host. Single: Als jij maar bij me bent (2001) TV: Bij wijze van spreken (AVRO), Pauze TV, Gek van de week-show, Hitbingo, RTL-club, Telekids, Liefde op het eerste gezicht, Monte Carlo, Ja, ik wil een miljonair (2000), Life and cooking (2000-2001), Welkom op je bruiloft (2001), McCarlo (2002) Musical: Saturday Nigth Fever (2002, as DJ Monty)

Karel Bouley
American radio-host, comic, singer, writer, music journalist. Together with his partner Andrew Howard, who died may 21, 2001, he hosted the first openly gay male couple radio show "The Karel and Andrew show" (1999-2001) on KFI-AM Radio in Los Angeles. Website: http://www.karel-andrew.com/

Boy George (June 14, 1961)
British popstar and DJ, whose real name is George O'Dowd. Became famous as a member of popgroup Culture Club, with whom he was reunited in 1998. Boy George was born in Besley Heath (South-London). Hits (with Culture Club): Do you really want to hurt me (1982), Time (1982), Church of the poisened mind (1983), Karma Kameleon (1983), Victims (1983), It's a miracle (1984), The war song (1984), Move Away (1986), (as a solo-artist:)Everything I own (1987), Sold (1987). CD's: Kissing to be clever (1982), Colour by numbers (1983), Waking up with the house on fire (1984), From Luxury to heartache Books: Karma Cookbook (2001), Take it like a man (Autobiography)

Claudia de Breij (March 13, 1975)
Dutch radio host and stand-up comedian, born in Utrecht. Between 1996 and 1998 she has worked for Stadsomroep Utrecht, Radio West, Radio M and RVU-tv. Radio: United (-2002, Radio 1), ...& dit is Claudia (2002-, Radio 3FM) Theatre: De wilde frisheid (2002-) Website: www.claudiadebreij.nl/

Patrick Bristow
American actor. TV: Ellen Films: Austin Powers: International man of mystery (1997), The twilights of the golds (1997)

Bill Brochtrup (March 7, 1963)
American actor, born in Los Angeles as William Brochtrup Jr. Since making his professional debut a decade ago in the television series "Hot Pursuit," Brochtrup has worked continuously in theater, film and television. He has guest-starred on series such as "Dharma & Greg," "Picket Fences" and "Murder, She Wrote." His feature film credits include: "Ravenous," starring Guy Pearce and Robert Carlyle; "Not Again"; the critically acclaimed 'mockumentary,' "Man of the Year"; and the futuristic "Space Marines." During Brochtrup's 1999 and 2000 hiatus from "NYPD Blue," he starred in and received rave notices for his performance in the off-Broadway production of "Snakebit," at New York's Century Theatre and the Coast Playhouse in West Hollywood. His previous stage credits include D.H. Lawrence's "The Fox," for which he won a DramaLogue Award, and "Raft of the Medusa." Brochtrup, who once backpacked across Europe, enjoys traveling to exotic places, so much so that he spent the 4th of July with U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates on a USO "meet and greet" tour. He tours the nation for a variety of charitable organizations, including Rock the Vote and AIDS Walks. A third-generation Californian, he was raised in Tacoma, Washington, and attended New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. Theatre: Snakebit, The fox, Raft of the Medusa TV: NYPD Blue, Hot pursuit Films: Everybody's baby: The rescue of Jessica McClure (1989), Space marines (1996), Man of the year (1996), Ravenous (1999)

Steve Bronski (February 7, 1960)
British member of pop group Bronski Beat. Hits: Smalltown boy (1984), Why (1984), It ain't necessarily so (1984)

Trev Broudy
American actor. His real name is Treve Broudy. In September 2002 he was in critical condition for more than nine days after being beaten by two men on a West Hollywood street. Film: The Fluffer (2000)

Pete Burns (August 5, 1959)
British singer of popgroup 'Dead or alive', born in Port Sunlight near Liverpool as Peter Jozzeppi Burns. 'Dead or Alive' was created in 1980. In August 1980 he married his long time friend Lynne. Hits: You spin me 'round (like a record)(1985), Lover come back to me (1985) CD's: Sophisticated Boom-boom (1983), Youthquake (1985), Mad, bad and dangereous to know (1986), Rip it up (1987), Nude (1989), Fan the flame part one (1990), Nukleopatra (1998), Fragile (2000)

Dan Butler (December 2, 1954)
American actor, born in Fort Wayne, Indiana. TV: Frasier (as Bob "Bulldog" Briscoe, 1993- ) Film: The long walk home (1990), Silence of the lambs (1991)

Michael Callen (1956 - 1993)
American singer, songwriter, Aids activist and author an member of pop group The Flirtations.

Erika Mann
(November 9, 1905 - August 27, 1969)
German writer and actress, born in M? as Erika Julia Hedwig Mann. She was the daughter of writer Thomas Mann (Death in Venice) and sister of gay writer Klaus Mann. Erika Mann married twice, to gay actor Gustaf Grundgens (July 24, 1926 - 1929) and to British gay poet W.H. Auden (June 15, 1935).
Books: Rundherum (1929), Jans Wunderh?n (1931), Stoffel fliegt ?Meer (1932), Blitze ?Ozean, Muck, der Zauberonkel (1934), A gang of ten (1942), Die Zugv? (1953)
Erika Mann
Books: Der fromme Tanz (1926), Rundherum (1929), Die Sammlung (1933), Flucht in den Norden (1934), Symphonie Path?que (1935), Mephisto (1936), Der Vulkan (1939)
Klaus Mann

Rhona Cameron
Scottish comic, actress and TV-host, born in Musselburgh. TV: Gaytime TV, Rhona Film: Funny man (1994)

Mario Cantone
American actor and comedian, born in Boston, Massachusetts. TV: Sex and the city (as Anthony Marantino) Films: Quiz show (1994), Who do I gotta kill (1994), Mouse Hunt (1997) Theatre: Love, Valour, compassion (as Buzz), June Moon (as Benny), The crumple zone (as Terry)

Gia Carangi (January 29, 1960 - November 18, 1986)
American top model in the late 70's, who was born in Philadelphia. She became a drug addict and was one of the first women in America to die of AIDS. In 1998 a TV film was released about her life: "Gia" with Angelina Jolie as Gia Carangi. Website: http://www.gia-carangi.com/

Magnus Carlsson (June 24, 1974)
Swedish singer of boy band Barbados, who was born in Goteborg as Lars Magnus Carlsson. He came out in 2000. CD: (with Barbados) Belinda (1999)

Richard Cawley (May 28, 1947)
British TV-chef and writer, born in Doncaster, Yorkshire. TV: Ready Steady Cook (BBC), Can't cook won't cook Books: Outdoor affairs (1994), Ready Steady Cook 2 (1996, with Patrick Anthony), Vegetarian Feasts: Memorable Meat-Free Meals, The big Ready Steady Cook book (with Patrick Anthony and Fern Britton), Butterfly boy (novel, 2000)

Richard Chamberlain (March 31, 1934)
American actor, born in Beverly Hills, California as George Richard Chamberlain. He studied art at Pomona College in Claremont. He became famous as dr. Kildare in the TV-series of the same name. TV: 'Dr.Kildare', 'Thornbirds', 'Shogun', 'A hero's story', The lost daughter (1997), Too rich: The secret life of Doris Duke Films: The secret of purple reef (1960), A thunder of drums (1961), Twilight of honor (1963), Joy in the morning (1965), Petulia (1968), The portrait of a lady (1968), The madwoman of Challiot (1969), Julius Ceasar (1970), The music lovers (1970), The woman I love (1972), Lady Caroline Lamb (1972), The Three Musketeers (1973), The lady's not for burning (1974), The last of the belles (1974), The towering inferno (1974), The four Musketeers (1974), The count of Monte Christo (1975), The slipper and the Rose (1976), The man in the iron mask (1976), The last wave (1977), The swarm (1978), Centennial (1978), Murder by phone (1980), Wallenberg: a hero's story (1984), King Solomon's mines (1985), Dream West (1986), Casanova (1987), The Bourne identity (1988), Night of the hunter (1993), Bird of Prey (1995), The lost daughter (1996), River made to drown in (1997), All the winters that have been (1997), The red phone (2001) Theatre: West Side Story (1966), Private lives (1966), The Philadelphia story (1966), Breakfast at Tiffany's (1967), Richard II (1971-1972), Lady's not for burning (1972), The Fantasticks (1972-1973), Cyrano de Bergerac (1973), The night of the Iguana (1976-1977), Arms and the man (1978), Fathers and sons (1979), Blithe spirit (1987), My Fair Lady (1993-1995), The Sound of music (1999-2000), The shadow of greatness (2000) Book: Toward love (2002)

Graham Chapman (January 8, 1941 - October 4, 1989)
British actor and member of the Monty Python team, born in Leicester. TV: At last the 1948 show, Monty Python's flying circus Films: And now for something completely different (1972), Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975), Life of Brian (1979), The Meaning of Life (1983), Yellowbeard (1983)

Tracy Chapman (March 30, 1964)
American singer, born in Cleveland, Ohio. She studied African culture and anthropology at Tufts University in Boston. Hits: Fast car (1988), Talkin' about a revolution (1989), Crossroads (1989) CD's: Trace Chapman (1988), Crossroads (1989), Matter of the hearts (1992), New Beginning (1995), Telling stories (2000), Let it rain (2002)

Julian Clary (may 25, 1959)
British comedian and actor, born in Teddington, Middlesex. TV: All rise for Julian Clary, It's only TV, bit I like it

Kate Clinton (1945)
American comedian, born in Buffalo, New York. Books: Don't get me started (1998) CD's: Babes in joyland, Comedy to dance to, Read these lips Theatre: Out is in (1993), All het up (1996), Correct me if I'm right (1999) Website: http://www.kateclinton.com/

Paul Codde (February 8, 1950)
Belgian actor and TV-host. TV: Liegebeest, Kuifje (stem van Janssen)

Jack Cole (April 27, 1911 - February 17, 1974)
American dancer and choreographer, born as John Ewing Richter in Brunswick, New Jersey. Broadway shows (Choreographer): Magdalena, Carnival in Flanders, Kismet, A funny thing happened..., Kean, Donneybrook!, Jamaica, Man of La Mancha Films (Choreographer): The merry widow (1952), Gentlemen prefer blondes (1953), There's no business like show business (1954), Kismet, Moon over Miami, Cover girl, The I don't care girl, Thrill of Brazil, Down to earth, Les Girls

No?Coward (December 16, 1899 - march 26, 1973)
British actor, director, playwright and composer, born in Teddington, Middlesex as No?Peirce Coward. Theatre (actor): The goldfish (1911), The great name (1912), Where the rainbow ends (1912), Peter Pan (1913 + 1914), Charley's aunt (1915), Light blues (1916), Ida collaborates (1917) Theatre (director): The Daisy chain (1912), Woman and whiskey (1918) Plays (playwright): The rat trap (1918), Sirocco (1921), Private lives (1930) Films (actor): Hearts of the world (1917), The Italian job

Koen Crucke (February 11, 1952)
Belgian actor, opera singer (tenor) and TV-personality. TV: Samson en Gert (Alberto/Albert Vermeersch)

Wilson Cruz (December 27, 1973)
American actor, born in Brooklyn, New York City. TV: Great Scott (1991) Films: Nixon (1995), On Seventh Avenue (1995), Johns (1996), Joyride (1997), All over me (1997), Supernova (2000)

Alan Cumming (January 27, 1965)
Scottish actor, director and screenwriter, born in Perthshire. He studied at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow, where he met Forbes Mason, with whom he formed the comedy duo 'Victor Barry' and Hilary Lyons, who he later married (in 1985) and divorced (in 1993). TV: The Cumming Attraction, Annie, Third Rock from the sun (guest appearance) Films: Passing glory (1986), Prague (1991), Second best (1991), That sunday (1991), Circle of friends (1994), Black beauty (1994), Butter (1994), Goldeneye (1995), Emma (1996), Eyes wide shut (1997), Spice world (1997), Buddy (1997), Titus (1999), Urbania (2000), Get Carter (2000), The Flinstones in Viva Rock Vegas (2000), The Anniversary party (2001) Theatre: Macbeth/Macbeth possessed (1985), Trumpets and raspberries (1985), The ugly ducking (1985), Tartuffe (1986), A streetcar named desire (1986), Mr. Government (1986), Sleeping beauty (1986), The Slab boys (1987), It's not the end of the world (1987), A Royal Match (1987), Cabaret (1987), Babes in the wood (1987), Cuttin' a rug (1988), The conquest of the South Pole (1988), Great expectations (1988), Knickers (1989-1990), As you like it, Singer, Romeo and Juliet, Cabaret (1993, London and New York City), Design for living (2001) Website: http://www.alancumming.com/

Charlotte Cushman (July 23, 1816 - February 18, 1876)
American opera singer, actress, playwright and director. She was born in Boston, Massachusetts as Charlotte Saunders Cushman. In 1845 she went to London where she starred in several productions before returning to the USA in 1849. From 1852 to 1870 she lived in England and Italy thereafter she returned again to the USA. Her last appearance on the stage took place at the Globe Theatre in Boston on may 15, 1875. She died of cancer. Opera: The marriage of Figaro (1835) Theatre: Lady Macbeth (1836), Guy Mannering (1837), Oliver Twist (1839), Fazio (1845)

Dave (may 4, 1944)
French singer and TV-host, born in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, as Wouter Otto Levenbach. He started his musical career in pop group Dave Rich & the Millionaires. Musical: Godspell (1971) Hits: Nathalie (1969), Dansez maintenant(1975), Du cot頤e chez Swann(1976) CD's: Soit dit en passant (2001)

Richard Fairbrass (September 22, 1953)
British singer and TV-host on the BBC-program 'Gaytime TV', born as Richard Peter John Fairbrass in East Grinstead, Surrey. Together with brother Fred and guitar player Rob Manzoli he's in the pop group 'Right Said Fred'. Fairbrass has had relationships with women too and he claims that he has heterosexual periods and homosexual periods.Hits (with Right Said Fred'): I'm too sexy (1991), Don't talk just kiss (1992), Deeply dippy (1992), Daydream (1992), Bumped (1993), You're my mate (2001) CD's: Up (1992), Sex and Travel (1993), Smashing! (1996) Website: http://www.rightsaidfred.com/

Frances Faye (November 2, 1912 - November 8, 1991)
American singer, songwriter and actress, born as Frances Cohen in Brooklyn, New York. Faye retired in 1981. Films: Double or nothing (1937), Pretty baby (1977) LP's/CD's: No reservations (1954), I'm wild again (1956), Relaxin' with Frances Kaye (1956), Frances Kaye sings folk songs (1958), Frances Kaye swings Fats Domino (1958), Frances Faye sings the blues (1961), Frances Faye in frenzy (1961), Swingin' all the way with Frances Faye (1962), You gotta go! go! go! (1964), Bad, bad Frances Kaye (1976, reissue of I'm wild again from 1956), Caught in the act, vol. 1 (1978), Caught in the act, vol. 2 (1978) Fansite: hometown.aol.com/trumpdace/myhomepage/fan.html

Michael Feinstein (September 7, 1956)
American vocalist, composer, pianist and arranger, born in Colombus, Ohio. CD's: Pure Gershwin (1985), Nice work if you can get it (1996), Michael and George: Feinstein sings Gerswin (1998), Big city rhythms (1999), Romance on film - Romance on Broadway (2000) Website: http://www.michaelfeinstein.org/

Ulrike Folkerts (may 14, 1961)
German actress, born in Kassel.

Chris Freeman (August 8, 1961)
American bassist/singer of the all gay Rock band Pansy Division. His full name is Christopher Mark Freeman.

Nelly Frijda
Dutch actress and singer. Theater: Anne Frank, De gidsen, Kortsluiting (2000), Omhoog die stok 2000), De muisjes, Vrouwen van eer (2002) Films: De stilte rond Christine M (A question of silence)(1982), Flodder (1986), De Johnsons (1992), Flodder 3 (1995)
Voice in a film: The little mermaid, Mulan, Dinosaur (Eema) TV: De zeven doodzonden van de kleine burgerman, Flodder, Mijn Franse tante Gazeuse (1996), Kwade reuk (2002) Musical: Oliver, Stop the world! I wanna get of, Nonsens (1987-1988), Annie, Irma la Douce (2001-2002) LP's/CD's: Oliver, Stop the world! I wanna get of, Annie, de musical (1997)

Stephen Fry (August 24, 1957)
British comedian, writer and actor, born in Hampstead, London. Stage: Cell mates TV: Fry & Laurie, Blackadder, Jeeves and Wooster, Ghormenghast (2000), In the red (2001) Books: Moab is my washpot, The star's tennisballs/Speelbal (2001) Films: Peter and his friends, I.Q (1994), Wilde, SpiceWorld - the movie (1997), The discovery of heaven (as Onno Quist, 2001), Gosford Park Website:http://www.prairienet.org/britcom/stephen.htm

Juan Gabriel (January 7, 1950)
Mexican singer and actor, born in Paracuaro, Michoacan. His real name is Alberto Aguilera Valadez.
CD's: Juan Gabriel en el Pallacio del Bellas Artes, Celebrando 25 anos de Juan Gabriel (1998), Abr?me muy fuerte (2000), Por los siglos (2002) Films: Nobleza Ranchera, Del otro lada del puerto, Es mi vida

Nisha Ganatra (1973)
American director and actress, born in Vancouver, Canada. She was raised in Los Angeles and now lives in New York, New York, where she studied at New York University's graduate Film School.
Films: Junky Punky Girlz, Chutney Popcorn (1999), The Assimilation Alphabet

Robert Gant (July 16, ...)
American actor, born and raised in Tampa, Florida as Robert Gonzalez. TV: Caroline in the city (1997-1998, as Trevor), Popular (2000-2001), (Queer as Folk (2000 - , as Ben Bruckner) Film: Jane Street (1996), Teaching Mrs. Tingle (1999), The contract (1999), Fits and starts (2002)

Stephen Gately (march 21, 1976)
Member of the popular Irish pop group Boyzone since 1993. Came out publicly on June 15, 1999, after discovering that someone was trying to sell his story to newspapers. Stephen Patrick David Gately, who was born in Dublin, had a Dutch boyfriend: Eloy de Jong. Eloy was a member of a Dutch boys band: Caught in the Act. After his coming out Stephen received many messages of support, for instance by Zoe Ball, Posh Spice and the Backstreet Boys! Stephen was chosen hero of the year 1999 by the readers of Smash Hits! In 2002 Stephen and Eloy broke up their relationship. Hits: (with Boyzone:) Love me for a reason (1995), Key to my life (1995), So good(1995), Father and son (1996), Coming home now (1996), Words (1996), A different beat (1997), Isn't it a wonder(1997), Picture of you (1997), No matter what, (solo:) New beginning (2000), Bright eyes CD's: (with Boyzone:) Said and done (1995), A different beat (1996), By request (best of) (1999), (solo:) New Beginning (2000)
TV: Absolutely Fabulous (Guest appearance in episode Parallax, 2001)

Mary Gauthier
American singer, born in Louisiana. CD's: Dixie Kitchen (1997), Drag Queens in limousines (1999), Filth and Fire (2002) Website: http://www.marygauthier.com/

Janet Gaynor (October 6, 1906 - September 14, 1984)
American actress, born as Laura Gainor in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She was the first woman to receive an Academy Award. She died in Palm Springs, California. Films: All Wet (1924), Young Ideas (1924), Cupid's Rustler (1924), Crook Buster (1925), The Plastic Age (1925), The Teaser (1925), The Burning Trail (1925), Dangerous Innocence (1925), The Haunted Honeymoon (1925), Fade Away Foster (1926), Pep of the Lady J (1926), Forty-five Minutes from Hollywood (1926), The Stolen Ranch (1926), Lazy Lightning (1926), Martin of the Mounted (1926), The return of Peter Grimm (1926), The Midnight Kiss (1926), The Blue Eagle (1926), Don't Shoot (1926), The Man in the Saddle (1926), The Fire Barrier (1926), The Galloping Cowboy (1926), The Shamrock Handicap (1926), Skinner's Dress Suit (1926), Ridin' for Love (1926), Oh What a Nurse! (1926), The Johnstown Flood (1926), The Beautiful Cheat (1926), Sunrise (1927), Two Girls Wanted (1927), The Horse Trader (1927), Seventh Heaven (1927), Street Angel (1928), Four devils (1928), Sunny Side Up (1929), Christina (1929), Lucky Star (1929), Happy days (1930), High society blues (1930), Delicious (1931), Merely Mary Ann (1931), Daddy Long Legs (1931), The Man Who Came Back (1931), Tess of the Storm Country (1932), The First Year (1932), Paddy the Next Best Thing (1933), Adorable (1933), State Fair (1933), Servants' Entrance (1934), Change of Heart (1934), La Ciudad de cart??1934), Carolina (1934), One more spring (1935), The farmer takes a wife (1935), Small town girl (1936), Ladies in love (1936), A star is born (1937), Three loves has Nancy (1938), The Young in Heart (1938), Bernardine (1957) TV: Hollywood (1980, mini series)

Etienne van Geel
Dutch actor, dancer, producer and ballet teacher. He attended the dance academy at the conservatory in Arnhem and started as a dancer in jazz dance group Jazzex. In 2001 he married his partner Bert. Theatre: Een reis om de wereld in 180 minuten (1984-1985, Andr?an Duin), Max Havelaar, West Side Story, Evita, Anatevka, Hello Dolly, Cats, Peter Pan, de musical (2001-2002)

Will Geer (march 9, 1902 - April 22, 1978)
American actor, born in Frankfort, Indiana as William Auge Geer. In the thirties he was gay activist Harry Hay's lover. He married Herta Ware and they had a daughter, Ellen. In 1951 he became a victim of the HUAC (House of Un-American Activities Committee) when they put him on a blacklist for being active in radical political organizations, which made him unable to get work until 1962. Geer later played the granddad in the TV-series 'The Waltons'. Theatre: The merry wives of Windsor (1928), Hamlet, Macbeth, Twelfth night, Anthony and Cleopatra, The school for scandal, The wild duck, The cradle will rock Films: Misleading lady, The mystery of Edwin Drood, Union Pacific

Dammie van Geest
Dutch actor and partner to Paul Haenen.

Hein Gerrits (may 9, 1981)
Dutch singer and dancer, born in Zwolle. Hein went to the Amsterdam Polytechnic for the Arts doing Jazz theater and show musical. Musicals: 42nd Street, A Chorus Line (as Paul, 2001-2002)

Sir John Gielgud (April 14, 1904 - may 21, 2000)
British actor, writer and theatre director, born in London as Arthur John Gielgud. In 1981 he won an Oscar for his role as butler in 'Arthur'. Theatre:The Cherry Orchard (as Trofimov), The ages of man, The best of friends Films: Who's the man (1924), Secret agent (1936), The prime minister (1941), Julius Ceasar (1953), Becket, The shoes of the Fisherman (1968), Sebastian (1968), The charge of the light brigade (1968), Assignment to kill (1968), Murder on the Orient Express (1974), Providence (1977), Elephant Man (1980), Chariots of fire (1981), Arthur (1981), Gandhi (1982), The shooting party (1984), Prospero's books (1991), First knight (1995), Shine (1996), Haunted (1996), Elizabeth (1998) TV: Brideshead Revisited, Merlin Books: An actor and his time (autobiography)

Rex Gildo ( July 2, 1939 - oktober 26, 1999)
German singer of 'schlagers', born in Munich as Ludwig Alexander Hirtreiter. Committed suicide by jumping of the second floor. Hits: Sechs wochen in Bombay (1960), Speedy Gonzalez (1961), Zarina (1961), Fiesta Mexicana (1972), Marie, der letzte Tanz ist nur fur dich (1974), Der letzte Sirtaki (1975) CD's: Rex Gildo '88 (1988)

Patrick Goodwin (June 13, 1973)
American guitarist of the all gay Rock band Pansy Division. His full name is Patrick Michael Goodwin.

Francesca Gregorini (1969)
American singer and daughter to former Bond-girl Barbara Bach (The Spy who loved me) and stepdaughter to ex-Beatle Ringo Starr. Website: www.francescagregorini.com

Gustaf Grundgens (December 22, 1899 - October 7, 1963)
German actor and director, born in Dusseldorf as Gustav Heinrich Arnold Grundgens. Untill 1945 he was the director of the Prussian State Theatre. Grundgens was married to Erika Mann. He committed suicide. The film 'Mephisto' (1981) was based on his life story. Films: M (1931), Ohm Kruger (1935), Der Tunnel, Capriolen, Faust (1961)

Kristen Hall
American singer.
CD's: Real life stuff (1990), Fact & Fiction (1992), Be carefull what you wish for....(1994), California made music (1999)
Website: http://www.kristenhall.com/
Kristen Hall

Rex Harrington
(October 30, 1962)
Canadian ballet and modern dancer, born in Petersborough, Ontario. At the age of 14 he began dance studies in Vancouver and later went to the National Ballet School in Toronto. In 2001 he was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada.
Canadese balletdanser die ook moderne dansen doet, geboren in Petersborough, Ontario. Op 14 jarige leeftijd begon hij zijn dansopleiding in Vancouver en ging later naar de National Ballet School in Toronto. In 2001 werd hij benoemd tot 'Officer of the Order of Canada'.
Rex Harrington

Richard H. Hatch Jr.
(April 8, 1961)
American winner of the CBS TV Programm Survivor in 2000, born in Newport, Rhode Island. He won 1 million dollar.
Amerikaanse winnaar van het CBS TV programma Survivor in 2000, geboren in Newport, Rhode Island. Hij heeft met Survivor 1 miljoen dollar gewonnen.
Book: 101 Survival secrets (2000)
Richard Hatch

Sophie B. Hawkins
(November 1, 1966)
American bisexual singer, born in New York as Sophie Ballantine Hawkins. Gigi Gaston has made a documentary about Hawkins: The cream will rise.
Amerikaanse biseksuele zangeres, geboren in New York als Sophie Ballantine Hawkins. Over Hawkins werd door Gigi Gaston de documentaire 'The cream will rise' gemaakt.
Hits: Damn I wish I was your lover (1992), Right beside you (1995)
CD: Timbre (1999)
Sophie B. Hawkins

Douwe Heeringa
Dutch singer, has a.o. made a CD with songs by Jacques Brel.
Nederlandse zanger. Heeft o.a. een CD gemaakt met songs van Jacques Brel in het Fries vertaald.
CD: Brel in Fries (1989), Hart van de zomer, Retour Ljouwert-Berlin (1995)
Douwe Heeringa

Wim Hogenkamp
Dutch singer, actor and lyricist. Wrote - together with Frank Affolter - the Dutch Eurovision Song Contest song of 1977 'De Mallemolen', which was sung by Frank's sister: Heddy Lester.
Nederlandse zanger, akteur en tekstschrijver. Schreef onder andere samen met Frank Affolter de (Eurovisie Songfestival-) hit uit 1977 van Frank's zus Heddy Lester: 'De Mallemolen'.
LP: Heel gewoon
TV: Q en Q (1974, as Anthony van Slingelandt jr.)

Roy Horn
(October 3, 1944)
German magician and animal trainer, who performs together with his partner Siegfried Fischbacher as 'Siegfried & Roy' in Las Vegas. Horn was born in Nordenham as Roy Uwe Ludwig Horn.

Jerrel Houtsnee
Dutch singer and dancer, born in Paramaribo, Surinam.
Nederlandse zanger en danser, geboren in Paramaribo, Suriname.
Musicals: Fame, 42nd Street (2000-2001, as Andy Lee), Miss Saigon, Der K? der L? (Hamburg, Germany, as Banzai)
Jerrel Houtsnee

Magdalen Hsu-Li
(January 1, 1970)
American bisexual singer, songwriter, painter and poet, born in Martinsville, Virginia, as Rochelle Li. She studied painting at the Rhode Island School of Design.
Amerikaanse biseksuele zangeres, liedjesschrijfster, schilderes en dichteres, geboren in Martinsville, Virginia, als Rochelle Li. Ze heeft schilderkunst gestudeerd aan de Rhode Island School of Design.
CD's: Muscle and bone (1997), Evolution (1998), Fire
Website: http://www.magdalenhsuli.com/
Magdalen Hsu-Li

Elton John
(march 25, 1947)
British pop singer and composer, born in Pinner, Middlesex, England as Reginald Kenneth Dwight. He began his career writing songs together with lyricist Bernie Taupin. He was the first artist to enter the American Charts with an album at no. 1 and he was the first Rock artist to tour the USSR (in 1979). In 1984 he married Renate Blauel and the marriage lasted 5 years. His tribute to princess Diana 'Candle in the wind' is the best selling single of all times (33 million).Together with lyricist Tim Rice, Elton John has written the lyrics and music for the musicals 'Aida' and 'The Lion King' and the movie 'The Road to Eldorado'.

Hits: Border song (1970), Your song (1971), Crocodile Rock (1972), Daniel (1973), Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (1973), Don't let the sun go down on me (1974), The bitch is back (1974), Somebody saved my life tonight (1975), Don't go breaking my heart (with Kiki Dee) (1976), Sorry seems to be the hardest word (1976), Song for guy (1979), Blue eyes (1982), I guess that's why they call it the blues (1983), I'm still standing (1983), Nikita (1985), Cry to heaven (1986), Sacrifice (1990), Club at the end of the street (1990), You've got to love someone (1990), Don't let the sun go down on me (live with George Michael)(1991), The one (1992), Runaway train (1992), The last song (1992), True Love (1993, duet with Kiki Dee), Can you feel the love tonight (1994), Circle of life (1994), Candle in the wind (1997), I want love (2001), This train don't stop here anymore (2002)
CD's: Empty sky (1969), Tumbleweed connection (1971), Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player (1972), Goodbye yellow brick road (1973), A single man (1978), Love songs (1983), Ice on fire (1985), The very best of...(1990), Made in England (1995), The big picture (1997), Chartbusters go pop, One night only (2001), Songs from the West Coast (2001)
Film: The road to Eldorado (voice)
Elton John

Holly Johnson
(9 februari 1960)
British popstar, who started his career as the singer of 'Frankie goes to Hollywood'. After the broup broke up, he started a solo career. Holly Johnson is sero-positive.
Engelse popster, die zijn loopbaan begon als zanger van 'Frankie goes to Hollywood'. Toen de groep stopte, is hij solo verder gegaan. Holly Johnson is seropositief.
Hits: (met FGtH) Relax (1984 + 1993), Two Tribes (1984), The power of Love (1984), Welcome to the pleasuredome (1985), Rage hard, hard rage (1986), Warriors of the wasteland (1986) (solo)Love Train (1989), Americanos (1989)
CD's: Blast (1989), Hollelujah-the remix album(1989), Dreams that money can't buy (1991), Soulstream (1999)
Holly Johnson

Gerard Joling
(April 29, 1960)
Dutch singer and TV-host. He represented the Netherlands in 1988 at the Eurovision Song contest with the song Shangri-la. He became 9th.
Hits: Love is in your eyes (1985), Ticket to the tropics (1985), Reach (1986), Spanish heart (1986), Midnight to midnight (1987), Shangri-la (1988), Read my lips (1988), No more boleros (1989), Stay in my life (1989), Corazon (1990), Tu solo tu (1991), Can't take my eyes off you (with Tatiana, 1992), Liefde op het eerste gezicht (1994), Together again (1994), Zing met me mee (1995), At your service (2002), Op zoek naar de waarheid (2002)
CD's: Love is in your eyes (1985), Sea of love (1986), Heart to heart (1987), In this world (1987), No more boleros (1989), Corazon (1990), Memory Lane (1991), Eye to eye (1992), Spanish heart (1993), Eternal love (1994), A magic Christmas (1995), Heel even anders (1995), Nightlife (1997), Only the strong songs survive (2001)
TV: De Karaoke-show (RTL-4), De waarheid (2002, SBS6)
Gerard Joling

Cherry Jones
(November 21, 1956)
American actress, born in Paris, Tennessee. She studied drama at Carnegie Mellon University. She won a 'Tony' for her role as Catherine Sloper in "The Heiress" (1995).
Amerikaanse actrice, geboren in Paris, Tennessee. Ze heeft drama gestudeerd aan Carnegie Mellon University. Ze heeft een Tony gewonnen voor haar rol als Catherine Sloper in 'The Heiress' in 1995.
TV: Alex: The Life of a Child (1986), What Makes a Family (2001)
Film: Housesitter (1992), A League of Their Own (1992), Julian Po (1997), The Horse Whisperer (1998), Cradle will rock (1999), Erin Brockovich (2000), The perfect storm (2000), Signs (2002)
Theatre: Angels in America, The Night of the Iguana, Our Country's Good, A Moon for the Misbegotten, The heiress (1995), Imaginary friends (2002)
Cherry Jones

Eloy de Jong
(march 13, 1973)
Dutch singer; was part of the Boysband 'Caught in the Act'. This band was in Holland not that popular, but it was very popular in Germany. Eloy was news when Stephen Gateley from the Irish boysband Boyzone came out en also announced that Eloy is his boyfriend. Eloy and Stephen split up in 2002.

CD's: Caught in the act of love (1995)
Eloy de Jong(2nd from the right) with 'Caught in the act'

Joost de Jong
Dutch singer, who now plays Tony Manero in the Dutch version of Saturday Night Fever.
Nederlandse zanger, die nu de rol speelt van Tony Manero in de Nederlandse versie van Saturday Night Fever. Hij heeft de opleiding muziektheater gevolgd aan het Tilburgse Conservatorium.
Musicals: West Side Story, Fame, Chicago (as Fred Casely), Saturday Night Fever (as Tony Manero, 2001-2002)
TV: Baantjer, Goudkust
Joost de Jong

Leen Jongewaard
(march 30, 1927 - June 4, 1996)
Dutch actor, singer and comedian. Became famous in Holland for his role in a famous Dutch TV-series for children in the sixties of the last century. He died in France of a heartattack.
TV: 'Okkie Trooi' (1960, as Flip de Tovenaarsleerling), 'Ja Zuster, nee Zuster' (as Opa and Gerrit), 't Schaep met de vijf pooten(1969-1970, as Lucas Blijdschap), Citroentje met suiker
Musicals: Heerlijk duurt het langst (1965), De kleine parade, De Engel van Amsterdam, Swingpop, Pingping
Films: Help, de dokter verzuipt (1974), Pastorale 1943 (1978), Martijn en de magier (1978), Hoge hakken, echte liefde (1981), De boezemvriend (1982), Op hoop van zegen (1986), Terug naar Oegstgeest (1987), De Avonden (1989), Kermis in de regen
Theatre: Kijktaarna (1971, with Adele Bloemendaal), Duidelijk zo (with Robert Long), Tot hiertoe heeft de Heere ons geholpen (with Robert Long), Het bleef nog lang onrustig in de stad (with Robert Long)
LP: 'Leen is alive'
Hits: Mijn opa (met Hetty Blok, 1967), Op een mooie pinksterdag (met Andr?an den Heuvel, 1967), De ouwe Jacob (1967), In een rijtuigie (met Wim Sonneveld, 1968), We zijn op de wereld om mekaar te helpen (1969), Het zal je kind maar wezen (1970), Als je mekaar niet vertrouwen kan (1970), Lieve heer doe mij een lol (1971)
Leen Jongewaard in 'Ja Zuster, Nee Zuster'

Janis Joplin
(January 19, 1943 - October 4, 1970)
American bisexual rocksinger.
Hits: Me and Bobby McGee (1971), Cry Baby (1971)
CD's: Pearl (1970)
Janis Joplin

Johnny Jordaan
(February 7, 1924 - January 8, 1989)
Dutch singer, born in Amsterdam, whose real name is Johannes Henricus van Musscher. Johnny Jordaan had been married to Totti and he had a daughter (Wil).
Hits: Bij ons in de Jordaan (1955), Daar mag je alleen maar naar kijken (1962), Een pikketanussie (1968), Pruimensap (1970), Ze zijn ze nog niet vergeten (1981)
LP's: Tussen kerst en nieuwjaar (1971)
CD's: Geef mij maar Amsterdam (1999)
Musical: De Jantjes (als Mop) (1970)
Biography: 'De zon schijnt voor iedereen' by Bert Hiddema.
Johnny Jordaan

Gordon Kaye
(April 7, 1941)
British actor, born in Moldgreen, Huddersfield (Yorkshire).
Britse akteur, geboren in Moldgreen, Huddersfield (Yorkshire).
TV: Coronation street, Oh, happy band, Come back, mrs. Noah, 'Allo 'Allo (as Rene Artois)
Theatre: Harvey
Film: Jabberwocky (1977), Brazil (1985), La Passione (1996)
Autobiography: Rene and me
Gordon Kaye with Carmen Silvera in 'Allo 'Allo

Suzanne Klemann
(January 25, 1963)
Dutch singer in the popgroup 'Lois Lane' and TV-host.

Hits: Amsterdamned (1988), My best friend (1989), It's the first time (1989), Fortune Fairytales (1990), I wanna be (1990), Qualified (1992), Tonight (1995), When I'm with you (2002)
CD's: Lois Lane (1989), Fortune Fairytales (1990), Precious (1992), Live at the Arena (1993), Fireflight (1995), Covers (1996), Hitsingles 1986-1996 (1996), Hear me out (2000)
TV: Let's go to the movies (Fox)
Suzanne Klemann

Vladimir Horowitz
(October 1, 1904 - November 5, 1989)
Russian pianist, born in the Ukraine. From 1912 to 1919 he studied at the Kiev Conservatory. On December 21, 1933 Horowitz married conductor Arturo Toscanini's daughter, Wanda. In 1939 they fled to America. In 1986 Horowitz returned to Russia to give concerts in Moscow and Leningrad.

Steve Kmetko
American co-anchor of 'E! News Daily' and 'E! News Weekend.

Boris de Leeuw
Dutch balletdancer, who was born as Boris Johannes de Leeuw. De Leeuw studied at the balletacademy of the Royal Conservatory, started his dance career with the Dutch National Ballet and is now dancing with the English National Ballet.
Nederlandse balletdanser, die is geboren als Boris Johannes de Leeuw. Hij heeft gestudeerd aan de balletacademie van het Koninklijk Conservatorium, is zijn danscarriere begonnen bij het Nationaal Ballet en danst nu bij het Engelse Nationale Ballet.
Boris de Leeuw

Paul de Leeuw
(march 26, 1962)
Dutch comedian, singer, actor, writer and Radio- and TV-host. With his TV-show 'De Schreeuw van de Leeuw' with guest Aids-patient Rene Klijn, he won the Bronze Rose of the Montreux festival and the silver Promotion Award in New York. In October 2001 Paul and his husband Stephan Nugter adopted baby boy Kas, who was born on September 29, 2001 in Pennsylvania (USA).
Nederlandse cabaretier, zanger, akteur, schrijver en Radio- en TV-presentator. De aflevering van 'De Schreeuw van de Leeuw' waarin hij Aids-patient Rene Klijn ontving kreeg een bronzen Roos in Montreux en de Silver Promotion Award in New York. In oktober 2001 hebben Paul en zijn echtgenoot Stephan Nugter een jongentje geadopteerd: Kas. Kas is geboren op 29 September 2001 in Pennsylvania (USA).
Theatre: De Rozebotteltijd, Beste maatjes, Wie plukt mij?, The best of Paul de Leeuw, Torch Song Trilogy (1995, as Arnold Beckoff), Art (2001-2002)
Hits: Giddy up go(1991), Gebabbel/Vlieg met me mee(1992), Ik heb een Euromast(1993), Blote jongens in het park(1993), Blijf bij mij(1993), Droomland(1993), Ik wil niet dat je liegt (1993), Voorbij(1994), Kopa Koopavond(1994), Zonder jou(1995), Annie(1996), Tweestrijd(1996), 'k heb je lief(1997), Naar het zuiden (1999)
CD's: Voor u, majesteit(1991), Van u wil ik zingen(1992), Plugged (1993), ParaCDmol(1994), In heel Europa was er niemand zoals zij(1995) Encore (1996), Lief (1997), Peter en de wolf (Paul de Leeuw vertelt) (1997), Stille Liedjes (1999), Kerstkransje (2001)
CD's waar Paul de Leeuw ook op te horen is: Les Miserables (als Thenardier)(1991), Lois Lane: Covers (in 'Yes sir, I can boogie')(1996), Heerlijk duurt het langst (als Kees Bloem, de kruidenier) (1998), Duetten voor Daniel (met Frederigue Spigt: 'We've got tonight') (1999)
Radio: Lieve Paul (KRO)
Musicals: Les Miserables, Heerlijk duurt het langst (1998-1999), Foxtrot (2001)
TV: Snelbinder (NCRV, 1985), Tien over halfvijf-show (NCRV) De schreeuw van de Leeuw (Vara, 1990-1994), Seth & Fiona, Laat de Leeuw, Ouwe Jongens, Huis van Oranje (2000), Zwagermannen (2001, AT5), de Hans Kesting show (2002, writer), Herberg de Leeuw (NCRV, 2001-2002), Zo vader, zo zoon (NCRV, 2002)
Films: Jan Rap en zijn maat (1989), Filmpje, De pijnbank (1998), Ja Zuster Nee Zuster (2002)
Books: De kleine heks, het ware verhaal (2001), De kleine heks 2 (2002)
Biography: In het hol van De Leeuw (by Paul Daemen)
Website's:The official site, a new site and a great fansite
Paul de Leeuw

Chris Lowe
(October 4, 1959)
Lowe together with Neil Tennant formed the popgroup The Pet Shop Boys in 1983. Lowe was born in Blackpool as Christopher Sean Lowe and studied Architecture at Liverpool University. He and Tennant met in 1981. See also Neil Tennant for their hits and CD's.
Lowe richtte samen met Neil Tennant de popgroep The Pet Shop Boys op in 1983. Lowe is geboren in Blackpool als Christopher Sean Lowe en heeft Architektuur gestudeerd aan de Liverpool University. Hij ontmoette Tennant in 1981. Zie ook Neil Tennant voor hun hits en CD's.
Chris Lowe (left) with Neil Tennant

Andreas Lundstedt
(may 20, 1972)
Swedish singer and actor. He was born in Ostuna. In 1996 and 1997 he was participant in the Swedish national song contest for the Eurovision Song Contest. In 1999 he became member of the Swedish popgroup Alcazar.
Zweedse zanger en akteur. Hij is geboren in Ostuna. In 1996 en 1997 heeft hij in de Zweedse voorrondes voor het Eurovisie Songfestival meegedaan. In 1999 werd hij lid van de popgroep Alcazar.
Singles: Driver dagg faller regn (1996), Hey-ya Hey-ya (1996), Jag Sakner dig, Jag Sakner dig (1997), Shine on (Alcazar, 1999), Crying in the discotheque (Alcazar, 2000), Ritmo del Amor (Alcazar, 2000), Sexual Guarantee (Alcazar, 2001)
CD's: Andreas Lundstedt (1996), Casino (Alcazar, 1999)
Musicals: Grease, Chicago
Andreas Lundstedt

Paul Lynde
(June 12, 1926 - January 10, 1982)
American actor and comedian, born in Mount Vernon, Ohio as Paul Edward Lynde.
Amerikaanse akteur en komiek, geboren in Mount Vernon, Ohio als Paul Edward Lynde.
TV: Bewitched (1965-1972, as Uncle Arthur), The Paul Lynde Show (1972-1973), Hollywood Squares (1966-1979), Temperatures rising
Theatre: Bye bye birdie, The impossible years, Don't drink the water, Plaza suite
Films: New faces (1954), Bye bye birdie (1963), Son of Flubber (1963), Under the yum yum tree (1963), Send me no flowers (1964), Hugo the Hippo (1976, voice), Rabbit test (1978)

George Maharis
(September 1, 1938)
American singer and actor, born in Astoria, New York.
Albums: George Maharis sings! (1962), Portrait in music (1962), Just turn me loose (1963), Where can you go for a broken heart (1963), Make love to me (1964), Tonight you belong to me (1964), New route (live)(1966)
TV: Mr. Peepers, Route 66 (1960-1963, as Buz Murdock), Escape to Mindinao (1968), The monk (1969), The most deadly game (1970, as Jonathan Croft), Murder on flight 502 (1975), Return to Fantasy Island (1977)
Theatre: Deathwatch, The zoo story
Films: The mugger (1958), Exodus (1960), Quick before it melts (1964), Sylvia (1965), The satan bug (1965), The eight day (1967), The happening (1967), Land raiders (1969), Last day of the war (1969), The desperados (1969), Rich man, poor man (1976), Crash of flight 401 (1978), The sword and the sorcerer (1982), The evil within (1994)
George Maharis

Hans van Manen
(July 11, 1932)
Dutch dancer, choreographer and photographer, born in Amstelveen. He got his dancing education from Sonia Gaskell. In 1952 he started as a dancer with the 'Ballet van de Nederlandse Opera'. He has worked for the 'Nederlands Dans Theater' (NDT) and 'Het Nationale Ballet'.
Choreographies: Feestgericht, De maan in de trapeze, Snippers (1970), Squares, GrosseFluge, Vijf tango's, Adagio Hammerklavier, Four Schumann Pieces, Live
Biography: Hans van Manen, leven en werken (1997, by Eva van Schaik)
Hans van Manen

Barry Manilow
(June 17, 1946)
American singer/songwriter/producer, born in Brooklyn as Barry Alan Pincus. Manilow has worked with Bette Midler.
Hits: I can't smile without you (1978), Copacabana (1978), Hey Mambo (1988)
CD's: Barry Manilow (1973), Barry Manilow II (1974), Live in Britain (1982), 2.00 AM Paradise (1984), Because it's Christmas (1990), Greatest hits - The Platinum Collection (1993), Manilow sings Sinatra (1998), Here at the Mayflower (2002)
I have been receiving a couple of E-mails lately from people asking where I found the information that Barry Manilow is gay. I can't actually recall. Because there is doubt about his sexual preferences I am now waiting for an "official" source to let me know that I printed the wrong information!
Barry Manilow

(November 3, 1962)
British singer, born in Kingston, Jamaica as Peter Robinson.
Hits: Calling your name (1983), Cry and be free (1984), You don't love me (1984)
Album: Despite straight lines (1984)

Brian Molko
American bisexual singer/guitarplayer of the rockgroup Placebo.
Amerikaanse biseksuele zanger/gitarist van de rockgroep Placebo.
Hits: Teenage angst, Nancy boy, Pure morning (1998)
CD's: Black market music (2000)
Brian Molko

Jacques Morali
(1947- November 16, 1991)
French songwriter and producer. Morali a.o. worked together with (and was founder of) the Village People. He died of Aids. Because Morali hated his mother so much, when he was HIV-positive he married his lover's mother to make sure his mother did not claim the estate.

Mark Morris
(August 29, 1956)
American dancer and choreographer, born in Seattle, Washington. In 1980 he started his own troupe, The Mark Morris Dance Group.

Diane Murphy
(June 7, 1964)
American child actress, born in Encino, California. Diana played together with her twin sister Erin the role of Tabatha (later: Tabitha), Samantha and Darren's daughter in 'Bewitched'. At the age of thirtheen she quit the entertainment business. She now works at the Shelter Services for Women in Santa Barbara.
TV: Bewitched (1966-1968)
A more recent picture of Diane (left) and Erin

Marcel Musters
Dutch actor and singer (a.k.a. Max), born in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
Nederlandse akteur en zanger (als 'Max'), geboren in Tilburg. Musters is verbonden aan toneelgroep Mug met de gouden tand.
Hit: Zin in jou (vertaling van Tarkan's 'Sikidim')(1996)
TV: Bureau Kruislaan, Oud geld, Hertenkamp (VPRO), TV7 (2002, as Koenraad Wessels)
Theatre: Co Star, Play back, M/V (Terug naar af) (2002)
Film: Advocaat van de Hanen (1996)
Marcel Musters

Meshell Ndegeocello
(August 29, 1969)
American singer/songwriter, born as Michelle Johnson in Berlin, Germany. The name 'Ndegeocello' means 'free as a bird' in Swahili.
Amerikaanse zangeres/songwriter, geboren als Michelle Johnson in Berlijn, Duitsland. De naam 'Ndegeocello' betekent 'vrij als een vogel' in Swahili.
CD's: Plantation lullabies (1994), Peace beyond passion (1996), Bitter (1999), Cookie: The anthropological mix tape (2002)
Meshell Ndegeocello

Rudolf Noerejev (also written as Nureyev)
(march 17, 1938 - January 6, 1993)
Russian ballet dancer and actor, born in Irkutsk, USSR. He danced with the Kirov ballet group, when in Paris in 1961 he defected. He went to London and danced with the British ballet. Noerejev died of Aids.
Russische balletdanser en akteur, geboren in Irkutsk, USSR. Hij danste bij de Kirov ballet groep toen hij in 1961 in Parijs overliep. Hij ging naar London en danste daar bij het British Ballet. Noerejev is aan Aids overleden.
Film: Valentino (1977), Exposed (1983)
Rudolf Noerejev

Graham Norton
(April 4, 1963)
Actor, comedian. Raised in a remote village in the Republic of Ireland, Graham Norton has grown up to become the most popular entertainment presenter on British television with numerous awards to prove it. His comedy talk show has garnered much praise and has made its 39-year-old host the most in-demand person on British TV. Now airing every weeknight on BBC America, So Graham Norton has gained an increasingly devoted fan base in the States.
Graham has won tremendous accolades from the press on both sides of the Atlantic for his unique brand of humor. Winner of a bevy of British Academy (BAFTA) awards, Graham Norton's position as one of the UK's most popular entertainers was cemented when he claimed this year's BAFTA for Entertainment Performer and an International Emmy in the Popular Arts category.
Despite training at the prestigious Central School of Speech and Drama in London, Graham Norton spent most of his twenties as a struggling actor, waiting tables and tending bars to supplement his meager income from acting?and honing his quips on hapless restaurant and pub customers.
His big break in the world of comedy came in 1997 when he was nominated for the prestigious Perrier comedy award at the world-famous Edinburgh Festival, which led to a raft of TV offers. A stint presenting on The Jack Docherty Show spawned his hugely successful comedy talk show, So Graham Norton. Subsequently, he has hosted various shows, including Bring Me the Head of Light Entertainment, The 100 Greatest TV Moments and has recorded specials in Japan (Ah So Graham Norton) and in Mexico (Si Graham Norton). He has also made attention-getting appearances on programs such as Father Ted, as a happy-clappy priest several wafers short of communion, and as a regular guest on the BBC radio shows Loose Ends and Just a Minute.
TV: Not the Jack Docherty show, 100 greatest TV moments, Father Ted (as Father Noel Furlong), So Graham Norton (1998 -)
Website: http://www.bbcamerica.com/genre/comedy_games/so_graham_norton/so_graham_norton.jsp
Graham Norton

Stefan Olsdal
(march 31, 1974)
Swedish bassplayer of rockgroup Placebo.
Zweeds bassgitaarspeler van de rockgroep Placebo.
Hits: Teenage angst, Nancy boy, Pure morning (1998)
CD's (Placebo): Black Market Music (2000)
Stefan Olsdal

Linda Perry
(April 15, 1965)
American singer, became famous as the singer of '4 Non Blondes', who had a hit with "What's up'. Later she started a solo career. She was born in Springfield, Massachusets.
Amerikaanse zangeres, werd bekend als de zangeres van '4 Non Blondes', die een hit hadden met "What's up". Later is ze solo gegaan. Ze is geboren in Springfield, Massachusets.
Hits: What's up (1993), Spaceman (1993)
CD (solo): In flight
Linda Perry

(August 28, 1957)
American singer, who was born as Susan Gottlieb in Los Angeles.
Amerikaanse zangeres, die geboren is als Susan Gottlieb in Los Angeles.
CD's: Folksinger (1985), I enjoy being a girl (1989), Positively Phranc (1991), Goofyfoot (1995), Milkman (1998)
Website: http://www.phranc.net/

Robert Reed
(October 19, 1932 - may 12, 1992)
American actor and director, born in Highland Park, Illinois as John Robert Rietz Jr.. He grew up in Muskogee, Oklahoma. He was married to Marilyn Rosenberg for two years and they had a daughter, Karen. Reed played the father in the popular seventies TV series 'The Brady Bunch'. Reed died in Pasadena, California, of Aids.
TV: The Brady Bunch (1969-1974), Mannix (1969-1975), Rich man, poor man (1976), Roots (1977)
Films: The hunters (1958), Bloodlust (1959), Rocket Attack USA (1961), Hurry sundown (1967), Star! (1968), The Love Bug (1968), The Maltese Bippy (1969), No price for my Cinderella (1978), Prime target (1991)
Theatre: Romeo and Juliet, Barefoot in the park (1964), The owl and the pussycat, California suite, Alone together (1989)
Robert Reed ..it's the story of a man named Brady....

Renate Reijnders
(October 18, 1973)
Dutch stand-up comedian, born in Beek. Together with Kim Goedegebure she is the stand-up comedian duo 'Reijn en Goed'. They were the winners of the Leids Cabaretfestival 2000 (stand-up comedian festival for beginners). Reijnders studied at the Arnhemse School for Theatre.
Theatre: Glad ijs, Alarmfase Twee (2003)
Website: http://www.reijnengoed.nl/

Rio Reiser
(January 9, 1950 - August 20, 1996)
German singer, actor and composer, born in Berlin. His real name was Ralph M?s.
Singles: Dr. Sommer (1984), K7ouml;nig von Deutschland (1986)
CD's: Rio I (1986), Blinder Passagier (1987), Rio (1990), Durch die Wand (1991), Uber Alles (1993), Das Beste von Rio Reiser (1994), Himmel und H? (1995), Balladen (1996)
Films: Johnny West (1977), Die Nacht mit Chandler (1978), Total Vereist (1980), Der Doppelg?er (1985), Der Sch?e (1989)
Rio Reiser

Jacco van Renesse
(October 24, 1936)
Dutch singer and actor. Played in the Dutch version of the musical 'La Cage aux folles' in 1995 and 1996.

Portia de Rossi
(January 31, 1973)
American actress, born in Melbourne, Australia as Amanda (Mandy) Rogers.
TV: Too something (1996), Ally McBeal (as Nelle Porter)
Films: Sirens (1994), Scream 2 (1997), American Intellectuals (1998), Stigmata (1999)
Portia de Rossi

Simon Rossi
British singer. Simon is the son of rockgroup Status Quo's singer Francis Rossi. On some of the Status Quo songs Simon is backing vocalist.
Britse zanger. Simon is de zoon van Francis Rossi, zanger van de rockgroep Status Quo. Simon zingt op sommige nummers van Status Quo in het achtergrondkoor.

Labi Siffre
(June 25, 1945)
British popsinger, songwriter, poet and playwright, born in London. His mother was British and his father Nigerian.
Hits: It must be love (1971), Watch me (1972), (Something inside) So strong (1987), Nothing's gonna change (1987), Listen to the voices (1988)
CD's: So strong
Books: Nigger (1993), Blood on the page (1995), Monument (1997)
Play: Deathwrite (1997)
Website: http://www.so-strong.com/
Labi Siffre

Betsy Smittle
American singer and guitarist and sister of country-singer Garth Brooks. She used to be a member of Brooks' band, but is now going solo.
Amerikaanse zangeres en guitarist en zus van country-zanger Garth Brooks. Ze was lid van Brooks' band, maar gaat nu solo.
Betsy Smittle

Soeur Sourire (a.k.a. Sister Smile a.k.a. The Singing Nun)
(October 17, 1933 - march 30, 1985)
Belgian nun, who had a world hit in and around 1963 with 'Dominique'. Her real name was Jeanine Decker and her name in the convent was Sister Luc-Gabrielle. In 1966 a film was released based on her life, under the title of 'The Singing Nun', with Debbie Reynolds in the title role. In 1985 Soeur Sourire and her(female) friend Annie Pecher committed suicide.
Belgische non, die in en rond 1963 een wereldhit had met het nummer 'Dominique'. Haar echte naam was Jeanine Decker en haar naam als non was Sister Luc-Gabrielle. In 1966 kwam er een film uit, welke gebaseerd was op haar leven, met als titel 'The Singing Nun'. Debbie Reynolds speelde de hoofdrol. In 1985 pleegde ze samen met haar vriendin Annie Pecher zelfmoord.
Hit: Dominique (1963)
LP's: The singing nun (1963), Her joy, her songs
Soeur Sourire

Jimmy Somerville
(June 22, 1961)
British singer, born in Glasgow, Scotland. Became famous with the bands Bronski Beat and The Communards (with Richard Coles). Later he started a solo career.
Britse zanger, geboren in Glasgow, Schotland. Werd beroemd met de bands Bronski Beat en The Communards (with Richard Coles). Later is hij een solo carriere begonnen.
Hits (with Bronski Beat): Smalltown boy (1984), Why (1984), It ain't ecessarily so (1984), Smalltown boy 1991 (1991), Hits (with The Communards): Don't leave me this way (1986), So cold the night (1987), You are my world '87 (1987), Tomorrow (1987), Never can say goodbye (1987)Hits (solo): Comment te dire adieu (1989), You make me feel (mighty real) (1990), To love somebody (1990)
Jimmy Somerville

Frederique Spigt
(January 28, 1957)
Dutch bisexual singer, composer, lyricist and radio-host, born in Rotterdam. She studied at the Academy for the Arts. Spigt was singer in popbands like 'I've got the bullets' and 'A girl called Johnny'. In 1999 she made her first album sung in Dutch.

Radio: Met wie?, Spigtzigt (Radio Rijnmond)
Hits: In the middle of the night (1986), Mijn hart kan dat niet aan (1998), Isis (2000), Rotterdam (2001)
LP/CD's: I've got the bullets, Wounded, Con la Piccola Orchestra (1996), Engel (1999), Droom (2000)
Theatre: Engel (1999), Nico (with the Scapino Ballet, 1999), De vagina monologen (2001), Beest....(2002)
Frederique Spigt

Barrie Stevens
(June 11, 1944)
American choreographer and actor who lives and works in the Netherlands.
Amerikaanse choreograaf en akteur die in Nederland werkt en woont. Bekend geworden in de kinderseries 'Ja Zuster, Nee Zuster' (als Bobbie) en 'Ti-ta- tovenaar'. Maakte in Nederland de spreuk 'vooral doorgaan' bekend als jury-lid bij de Playbackshow.
TV: Ja zuster, nee zuster, Ti-ta-tovenaar (1972-1974, as 'Kwarkje'), Playbackshow, Soundmixshow
Choreography: Mimi Crimi
Barry Stevens

Steve Strange
(may 28, 1959)
British singer and club owner, born as Steven Harrington in South Wales. He formed with Midge Ure (Ultravox) popgroup Visage. In April 2000 Strange was given a suspended jail sentence for stealing a Teletubby doll.
Britse zanger en eigenaar van clubs, geboren als Steven Harrington in South Wales. Hij vormde met Midge Ure (Ultravox) popgroep Visage. In April 2000 werd Strange veroordeeld tot een voorwaardelijke gevangenisstraf wegens het stelen van een Teletubby pop.
Hits (with Visage): Fade to grey (1981), Mind of a toy (1981)
Autobiography: Blitzed! (2002)

Neil Tennant
(July 10, 1954)
British singer of the Pet Shop Boys, the group he forms with Chris Lowe. Tennant was born in Brunton Park.
Hits: West End girls (1986), Suburbia (1986), Opportunities (1987), It's a sin (1987), What have I done to deserve this (1987, with Dusty Springfield), Rent (1987), Always on my mind (1987), Heart (1988), Domino dancing (1988), Left to my own devices (1988), It's alright (1989), So hard (1990), Where the streets have no name/Can't take my eyes off you (1991), Can you forgive her (1993), Go West (1993), Yesterday when I was mad (1994), Paninaro'95 (1995), Hallo spaceboy (1996, with David Bowie), Se a vida e (1996), Somewhere (1997), New York City Boy (1999), Home and dry (2002)
CD's: Disco (1986), Actually (1987), Introspective (1988), Behaviour (1990), Discography (1991), Very (1993), Disco 2 (1994), Alternative (1995), Bilingual (1996), Nightlife (1999), Release (2002)
Neil Tennant

Navratilova, Martina Tennis Pro
King, Billie Jean Tennis Pro

Mark Tewksbury is an out gay athlete and accomplished Canadian swimmer, having won medals at both the Seoul and Barcelona Olympic Games.
After his 1993 retirement, Mark remained active in the international world of sport. As a member of the Canadian Olympic Association, Honorary Secretary of FINA?s Athletes? Commission, executive Board Member of the Toronto 2008 Olympic bid, and athlete?s representative on the IOC?s 2004 Site Evaluation Commission, he was devoted to making the voice of athletes heard and promoting the true spirit of sport. He stunned the world in 1999, by stepping down from all his posts within the Olympic movement due to a loss of faith in leadership, as derived from the IOC?s bribery scandal. He went on to co-found OATH (Olympic Advocates Together Honorably), the first independent, international, athlete-lead organization in the world dedicated to restoring the Olympic spirit and creating constructive solutions to the problems facing international sport. Mark is currently working as the chair of OATH.
Heart has always been the part of Mark Tewksbury that has made him a charismatic Olympian and compassionate humanitarian. As a motivational speaker, Mark continues to mesmerize groups of all ages with his honesty, sincerity, genuineness, humor and story telling. He has made frequent appearances on Canada?s AM, CNN, ABC?s ?Good Morning America? and ?Nightline? as well as at various special events. In 1993, he launched the Mark Tewksbury Junior Swim Bursury to provide program and financial assistance to young swimmers across Canada. He has been a spokesperson for Children?s Miracle Network, AIDS Walk Canada and Special Olympics where he served on the National Advisory Board.
Mark Tewksbury

Michael Joseph Piazza

Mark Bingham (May 22, 1970 - September 11, 2001)
American rugby player, born as Mark Kendall Bingham in Phoenix, Arizona. He was one of the victims of the terrorist attack on flight 93 to Washington in September 2001, where he is supposed to be one of the people who attacked the terrorists to stop them from going to Washington. The plane came down near Pittsburg. Website: http://www.markbingham.org/

Geert Blanchard (October 30, 1966)
Belgian ice-scater and singer. First Belgian gay sports-man who had a public coming-out.

Glenn Burke (November 16, 1952 - may 30, 1995)
American baseball-player, born in Oakland, California as Glenn Lawrence Burke. He played professionaly with the Los Angeles Dodgers (1976-1978) and the Oakland A's (1978-1979). He died in San Landreo, California, of Aids. Book: Out at home (1995, written together with Erik Sherman)

Justin Fashanu (February 19, 1961 - may 2, 1998)
First professional British footballer to come out (in 1990), who's full name was Justinus Soni Fashanu. He was born in Shoreditch, London. Fashanu committed suicide.

Rudy Galindo (September 7, 1969)
American ice skater, born as Val Joe Galindo in San Jose, California. Galindo is HIV-positive. Autobiography: Icebreaker (1997, with Eric Marcus) Website: http://www.rudy-galindo.com/

Patrick Jeffrey
(June 25, 1965)
American diving coach and five-time national champion diver, born in Morristown, New Jersey. Jeffrey graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in journalism and advertising.

Dave Kopay
(June 28, 1942)
The first profesional atlethe who came out (in 1975). He played for the Detroit Lions, Green Bay Packers, New Orleans Saints, San Francisco 49ers and Washington Red Skins and retired in 1972. Kopay now runs his family's Linoleum business in Southern California.
Book: The Dave Kopay Story (1977)

Ryan Miller
(April 24, 1975)
American snowboarder, born in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. He grew up in Limerick.
Amerikaanse snowboarder, geboren in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. Hij is in Limerick opgegroeid.
Website: www.snowfreak.org/
Ryan Miller

erry Smith
(1943 - October 1986)
American football player who played with the Washington Redskins from 1965-1977. Smith never came out, but was outed in team member Dave Kopay's autobiography as his first lover. He died of Aids.
Amerikaanse rugbyspeler, die speelde bij de Washington Redskins van 1965-1977. Smith is nooit voor zijn homo-zijn uitgekomen, maar werd geout in de autobiografie van medespeler Dave Kopay als diens eerste minnaar. Hij is aan de gevolgen van Aids overleden.

Jerry Smith
(1943 - October 1986)
American football player who played with the Washington Redskins from 1965-1977. Smith never came out, but was outed in team member Dave Kopay's autobiography as his first lover. He died of Aids.
Amerikaanse rugbyspeler, die speelde bij de Washington Redskins van 1965-1977. Smith is nooit voor zijn homo-zijn uitgekomen, maar werd geout in de autobiografie van medespeler Dave Kopay als diens eerste minnaar. Hij is aan de gevolgen van Aids overleden.

Mark Tewksbury
(February 7, 1968)
Canadian Olympic swimmer, who set seven world records at the 1992 Olympic games.

Natalie Barney (October 31, 1876 - February 2, 1972)
American writer, born in Dayton, Ohio and raised in Washington. In the beginning of the 20th century she moved to Paris, where she had a relationship with artist Romaine Brooks. Books: Quelques Portraits -Sonnets de Femmes (1900), Cinq petits dialogues Grecs (1901), Actes et entr'actes (1910), Je me souviens (1910), Eparpillements (1910), Poems et Poemes: Autres Alliances (1920), Pensees de l'Amazone (1920), Aventures de l'Esprit (1929), The one who is legion, or A.D.'s after-life (1930), Nouvelles Pensees de l'Amazone (1939), Souvenirs indiscrets (1960), Traits et Portraits (1963)

Lionel Bart (August 1, 1930 - April 3, 1999)
British composer, whose greatest successes were the musical 'Oliver' and songs like the Bond-movie tune 'From Russia with love' (Matt Monro) and 'Livin' doll' (Cliff Richard). His real name was Lionel Begleiter.

Leonard Bernstein (August 25, 1918 - October 14, 1990)
American bisexual composer, pianist and conductor, born in Lawrence, Massachusetts. Music: On the town (1944), Candide (1956), West Side Story (1957), 1600 Pensylvania Avenue (1976) Website: www.leonardbernstein.com

Gerti Bierenbroodspot (1940)
Dutch artist and writer, born in Amsterdam. Books: Edittha (2001), Mijn mond sluimert lila (2002) Website: http://www.bierenbroodspot.com/

Anna Blaman January 31, 1905 - July 13, 1960)
Dutch writer, who's real name was Johanna Petronella Vrugt. In 1957 Blaman received the P.C. Hooftprijs, the Dutch national prize for literature. Books/boeken: Vrouw en vriend (1941), Eenzaam avontuur (1948), De kruisvaarder (1950), Ram Horna (1951), Op leven en dood (1954), Overdag (1957), De verliezers (1960)

John Blankenstein (February 12, 1949)
Dutch head of the umpire-affair at the KNVB (Dutch sports association) and former football(soccer) umpire.

Karin Boye (October 26, 1900 - 1941)
Swedish writer and poet, born in Gothenburg. In 1929 she married Leif Bj?but they were divorced in 1934. Boye committed suicide in Alings? Zweedse schrijfster en dichteres, geboren in Gothenburg. In 1929 trouwde ze Leif Bj? maar ze scheiden van elkaar in 1934. Boye pleegde zelfmoord in Alings? Books: Clouds (1922), Hidden lands (1924), The hearts (1927), Astarte (1931), Merit vaknar / Merit wakes up (1933), Kris / Crisis (1934), F?ite / Too Little (1936), Kallocain (1940)

Jos Brink (June 18, 1942)
Dutch writer, musical-maker, Radio- and TV-host, stand-up comedian, singer and priest, born in Heiloo, but he grew up in Rotterdam. Together with his partner Frank Sanders he was part of theatre group Tekstpierement. Radio: Tussen 10+ en 20- TV: Combo (AVRO), Puzzeluur, Babyloni? Wedden dat Theater: Over en weer (1999-2000) Musical: Amerika Amerika, Max havelaar, Zzzzinderella, Sonneveld, de musical (2001-2002) LP: Leven kan je leren (1978) Books: Zitten op de grond, Allemaal poppenkast, De leukste thuis, Blij blijven, Noesse, Zwartje, Dagboek, Stukje voor stukje, Het verschrikkelijke Pimmetje, Lekker lui, Krabbels van een rode kater, Laat mij maar schuiven, Spaghetti met stokjes (1989)

Benjamin Britten (November 22, 1913 - December 4, 1976)
British classical composer, born in Lowstoft. Works: War requiem (1961), Peter Grimes, Billy Budd, A midsummer Night's dream, A young person's guide to the Orchestra

Romaine Brooks (May 1, 1874 - December 7, 1970)
American artist, born in Rome, Italy, as Beatrice Romaine Goddard. She was raised in Geneva. From 1903 until 1904 she was married to John Ellington Brooks. In 1905 she moved to Paris, where she got a relationship with writer Natalie Barney. She died in Nice, France.

Sir Roger Casement (September 1, 1864 - August 3, 1916)
British consul, born in Sandycove, County Dublin in Ireland as Roger David Casement. He served in various posts in Africa and South America and was knighted in 1911. In 1916 he was arrested for treason by the British for his involvement in the Irish National cause and was hanged in the Pentonville prison. After his arrest his diaries, which had homoerotic content, were made public.

David Charlebois (August 29, 1962 - September 11, 2001)
American co-pilot on the American Airlines plane that crashed into the Pentagon in Washington on September 11, 2001 after being hi-jacked by terrorists. He was born as David Michael Charlebois in Morocco.

Bruce Chatwin (may 13, 1940- January 18, 1989)
British journalist, novelist and travel writer, born in Sheffield. He was married to Elisabeth Chanler. Chatwin died in Nice, France, of Aids. He was buried in Greece. Books: In Patagonia (1977), The Viceroy of Quidah(1980), Up the black hill (1982), The songlines (1987), Utz (1988), What am I doing here (1989)

Mary Cheney (1969)
American. Daughter of vice president Dick Cheney.

William Cliff (December 27, 1940)
Belgian poet, born in Gembloux. Books: Homo Sum (1973), Ecra sez-le (1976), Marchez au charbon (1978), America (1983), En Orient (1986), Conrad Detrez (1990), Fete Nationale (1994), Journal d'un innocent (1996), L'Etat Belge (2001)

John Corigliano (February 16, 1938)
American composer, born in New York. He won an Oscar for the original score of the movie 'The Red Violin'. Works: The ghosts of Versailles (opera), Symphony no. 1.

Henry Cowell (march 11, 1897 - December 10, 1965)
American composer, pianist and musicologist, born as Henry Dixon Cowell in Menlo Park, California. Opera: O'Higgins of Chile (1949) Choral Works: The Thistle Tower (1928), Fire and Ice (1942), American muse (1943), To America (1946), The road to tomorrow (1947) Chamber works: Seven paragraphs for trio (1926), Quartet (1927), Mosaic quartet for strings (1935), United quartet for strings (1936), Sarabande (1942), Tall tale (1947), Piano Trio (1965) Piano works: The tide of Manaunaun (1911), The hero sun (1922), What's this (1922), The hero sun (1925)

Patrick Cowley (October 19, 1950 - November 12, 1982)
American record-producer. He was born in Buffalo, New York and studied English at Buffalo's university. Cowley died of Aids. Hits: Menergy (1981), Do you wanna funk (with Sylvester)(1982), Die hard Lover(1982)

Kecia Cunningham (December 21, 1965)
American politician, born in New York, New York. She was elected council member in Decatur, Georgia, in 1999.

John Flaxman (July 6, 1755 - December 7, 1826)
British sculptor and designer, born in York. He studied at the Royal Academy Schools from 1769. Flaxman is best known for his work for Wedgwood and for his monuments, like the funerary monument of Lord Nelson in St.Paul's Cathedral in London.

Michel Foucault (October 15, 1926 - June 25, 1984)
French philosopher and sociologist, born in Poitiers, Vienne, as Paul-Michel Foucault. Books: Folie et d?ison: Histoire de la folie a l?age classique (1961)

Virgil Fox (may 3, 1912 - October 25, 1980)
American organist, born in Princeton, Illinois. CD's: A Virgil Fox Christmas, The art of Virgil Fox - vol 1, vol. 2, vol 3, Bach great organ works, The christmas album, The digital fox, Encores, Heavy organ - Bach live at Carnegie Hall, Heavy organ - Bach live at Fillmore East, Heavy organ - Bach live at Winterland, Here comes the bride, Jongen - Symphonie concertante, Saint Saens: Symphonie # 3, Soli Deo Gloria, Virgil Fox, Virgil Fox plays the John Wanamaker organ
Website society: http://www.virgilfox.com/

Guido Gezelle (may 1, 1830 - November 27, 1899)
Belgian priest and poet. Seen by the Belgians as one of their greatest poets.

Elsa Gidlow (December 29, 1898 - June 8, 1986)
Canadian poet, born in Yorkshire, England. When Elsa was six years of age the family emigrated to Teteauville in Canada. Books: Mailings for meditation (1973), Sapphic Songs: seventeen to seventy (1976), Sapphic Songs: eighteen to eighty (1982), Casting a net: Excerpts from an autobiography (1986), Elsa, I come with my songs: The autobiography of Elsa Gidlow (1986)

Duncan Grant (January 21, 1885 - may 9, 1978)
British painter, born in Rothiemurches, Inverness, Scotland. Grant was a member of the Bloomsbury Group, which also included writer Virginia Woolf and economist John Meynard Keynes.

Thomas Gray (December 26, 1716 - July 30, 1771)
British poet, born in London. Website: http://www.thomasgray.org/

Michael Guest
American ambassador in Romania (2001-). Guest holds a Master?s Degree in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and Political Science from Furman University (South Carolina).

Lou Harrison
(may 14, 1917)
American classical composer, born in Portland, Oregon. He grew up in the San Francisco Bay area.
CD's: La Koro Sutro (1988), The perilous Chapel, Rapunzel: an Opera in six acts, plus other works, Rhymes with silver, Solo Keyboards
Lou Harrison

Jonathan Harvey
British former teacher and playwright, born in Halewood, Liverpool.
Britse voormalig leraar en toneelschrijver, geboren in Halewood, Liverpool.
Plays: The cherry blosson tree (1987), Wildfire, Beautiful thing (1993), Babies (1994), Boom Bang-a-bang (1995), Rupert Street lonely heart club (1995), Guiding star (1998)
TV: Gimme, gimme, gimme
Musical: Closer to Heaven (music and lyrics by the Pet Shop Boys) (2001)
Jonathan Harvey

Harry Hay
(April 7, 1912 - October 24, 2002)
American gay rights activist and actor, born in Worthing, England as Henry Hay jr. When he was 7 his family moved to Los Angeles. While working as an actor he met Will Geer (later: Grandpa Walton in The Waltons), who became his lover. After being advised in 1937 by a psychiatrist to try girls, he married Anita Platky in 1938. They were married untill 1951 and they adopted two daughters. In 1978 Hay formed the Radical Faeries, a movement that rejected "hetero-imitation". He died of lung cancer.
Books: The trouble with Harry (1990, by Stuart Timmons), Radically gay: Gay liberation in the words of it's founder (1997, by Harry Hay, editor: Will Roscoe)
Film: Woman against the world (1937), After Stonewall (1999)
Harry Hay

Jake Heggie
(march 31, 1961)
American composer and pianist, born in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Amerikaanse componist en pianist, geboren in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Opera: Dead man walking (2000)
Other works: Anna Madrigal remembers (1999, lyrics: Armistead Maupin)
Recordings: My native land, The faces of love (1999), Dead Man Walking (2002)
Website: http://www.jakeheggie.com/
Jake Heggie

Jerry Herman
(July 10, 1933)
American composer and lyricist, born in New York City as Gerald Herman.
Amerikaans componist en tekstschrijver, geboren in New York City als Gerald Herman.
Shows: Milk & Honey (1961), Hello Dolly (1964), Mame (1966), Dear world (1969), Mack and Mabel (1974), The grand tour (1979), La cage aux folles (1984), Miss Spectacular (2002)
Jerry Herman

Fred Hersch
(October 21, 1955)
American jazz pianist and composer, born in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Amerikaanse jazz pianist en componist, geboren in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Website: http://www.fredhersch.com/
Fred Hersch

Magnus Hirschfeld
(may 14, 1868 - may 14, 1935)
German sociologist, born in Kolobrzeg (Poland), which was Kolberg (Prussia) at that time. In 1897 he formed the first gay right organisation, the 'Scientific Humanitarian Committee'. He died in Nice, France. German director Rosa von Praunheim made a film about his life: 'Der Einstein des Sex' (1999).
Duitse socioloog, die geboren is in Kolobrzeg (Polen), dat in die tijd nog Kolberg (Pruissen) heette. In 1897 riep hij de eerste organisatie voor homo-rechten in het leven: het 'Scientific Humanitarian Committee'. Hij overleed in Nice, Frankrijk. De Duitse regisseur Rosa van Praunheim heeft een film over zijn leven gemaakt: 'Der Einstein des Sex' (1999).
Book: Sappho und socrates (1896)
Magnus Hirschfeld

Xaviera Hollander
(June 15, 1946)
Dutch bisexual writer, who was born in Surabaya, Indonesia. She wrote a bestseller with 'The Happy Hooker', in which she describes how she learned about sex and how she became a Madam in New York. For the last years she has been living together with female poet Dia Huizinga.
Nederlandse biseksuele schrijfster, die geboren is in Surabaja, Indonesi?Ze schreef de bestseller 'The happy Hooker', waarin ze beschrijft hoe ze over seks leerde en hoe ze een hoerenmadam werd in New York. De laatste jaren woont ze samen met dichteres Dia Huizinga.
Books: The Happy Hooker (1972), Xaviera over mannen, Xaviera vertelt verder, Met Xaviera op stap, Xaviera's tuin der lusten, Xaviera's magische paddestoelen, Lucinda op Xanthos, Lucinda in zaken, De gouden fallus van Osiris, Kind af (2002)
Website: www.xs4all.nl/xaviera
Xaviera Hollander

Andrew Holleran
American writer, born as Eric Gerber on Aruba.
Amerikaanse schrijver, geboren op Aruba als Eric Gerber.
Books: Dancer from the dance/ De danser en de dans (1978), Nights in Aruba (1983), The beauty of men/ De schoonheid van mannen (1996), In September, the light changes (1996), De sauna's van Amsterdam
Andrew Holleran

Ann Holt
(November 16, 1958)
Norwegian writer, lawyer and minister of Justice and Immigration, born in Larvik.
Noorse schrijfster, advocate en minister van Justitie en Immigratie, geboren in Larvik.
Ann Holt

James Hormel
(januari 1, 1933)
American ambassador in Luxembourg, born in Austin, Minnesota. Hormel has been married to Alice Turner and is the father of four daughters and one son. He was the first openly gay United States ambassador.
Amerikaanse ambassadeur in Luxemburg, geboren in Austin, Minnesota. Hormel is getrouwd geweest met Alice Turner en is vader van vier dochters en een zoon. Hij was de eerste openlijk homoseksuele ambassadeur van de Verenigde Staten.
James Hormel

Cheryl Jacques
American Massachusetts state senator and attorney.

Philip Johnson
(July 8, 1906)
American architect and from 1932 untill 1954 director of the Architecture department at the Museum of Modern Art. He was born as Philip Cortelyou Johnson in Cleveland, Ohio.

Works: Glass house (New Canaan, Connecticut, 1949), National Centre for performing arts (Bombay, India), AT&T building (New York City, 1978)
Philip Johnson

Arendo Joustra
(July 19, 1957)
Dutch editor of Dutch weekly 'Elsevier' and writer of 'Het Homo-erotisch woordenboek' (The homo-erotic dictionary).
Redacteur van Elsevier en schrijver van 'Het Homo-erotisch Woordenboek.
Books: Het Homo-erotisch Woordenboek (1988), Twee hoeraatjes voor de monarchie (2002)
Arendo Joustra

Mychal (Michael) Judge
(may 11, 1933 - September 11, 2001)
American chaplain of the New York City Fire Department, born in Brooklyn, New York. Judge perished when he administered last rites near the scene of the terrorists attack at the World Trade Center.
Amerikaanse kapelaan van de brandweer van New York City, geboren in Brooklyn, New York. Judge kwam om toen hij de laatste sacramenten toediende bij de plek van de terroristische aanslagen op het World Trade Center.

Chester Kallman
(January 7, 1921 - January 18, 1975)
American poet, librettist and translator, born in New York City. He studied at Brooklyn college and at the University of Michigan. Kallman was the partner of poet W.H. Auden for 35 years.
Amerikaanse dichter, operatekstschrijver en vertaler, geboren in New York City. He studeerde aan het Brooklyn College en aan de Universiteit van Michigan. Kallman was 35 jaar de partner van dichter W.H. Auden.
Libretto: The Tuscan players, Paul Bunyan (1941), The Rake's progress (1951)
Poetry: Elegy (1951), Storm at Castle Franco (1956), Absent and present (1963)

Joe Keenan
American writer and producer.
Books: Blue Heaven/Daar komt de bruid (1988), Putting on the ritz/Piekfijn (1991)
TV (producer): Frasier

James Kirkwood
(August 22, 1930 - April 22, 1989)
American musical-writer, born in Hollywood.

Musical: P.s. your cat is dead, Dance me a song, UTBU, A chorus line (1975)

Jeffrey Kofman
American ABT TB news correspondent.


Kris Kovick
( - October 26, 2001)
American writer, cartoonist and illustrator. She died of breast cancer.

Books: What I love about lesbian politics is arguing with people I agree with (writer), How would you feel if your dad was gay? (illustrator; author: Ann Heron), Glibquips: Funny words by funny women (illustrator; editor: Roz Warren)
Kris Kovick

Peter Kralik
Slovak activist. In 2000 he was chosen by weekly The Slovak Spectator as man of the year. He is spokesman for Inakost (translated: difference), a national coalition of various gay and lesbian groups.

Rindert Kromhout
(August 9, 1958)
Dutch writer of children's books, born in Rotterdam.
Books: En Peter was de vlieg (1981), Moet je horen met je oren (1982), Een spartelende speelgoedhond (1983), Een olifant op schoot (1984), Vannacht als iedereen slaapt (1985), Olaf de rover (1986), Tijgers in de tuin (1986), Wat moet dat daar! (1987), Beestachtig (with Sylvia Weve, 1988), Hens up (1989), Van grauwe griffel tot gouden gniffel (1989), Peppino (1990), Het bad van de zandloper (1990), Het geheim van de afgebeten vingers (1990), Het grote boek van Merel (1991), Olaf de geweldige (1991), Erge Ellie en nare Nellie (1993), Het kleine boek van Merel 1 (1993), Lui Lei Enzo (1993), De paljas en de vuurvreter (1993), Het kleine boek van Merel 2 (1994), Het kleine boek van Merel 3 (1995), Rare vogels (1995), Het piepkleine boek van Merel (1995), Een hond om in te bijten (1996), Het konijnenplan (1996), De wraak van Ellie en Nellie (1996), Allez hop! (1997), De billenbijters (1997), Meester Max en de minimonsters (1998), Mijn opa, mijn opa (1998), Super Duck valt aan (1998), Een dief in huis (1998), Waar staat dat? (1999), Wat een verhaal! (1999), Meester Max en het wiebelkind (1999), Ellie en Nellie in gevaar (1999), Feest! (1999), Door dik en dun (1999), Vreemde vrienden (1999), De dichte doos (2000), De hond in de pot (2000), Ellie en Nellie en de verdwenen schrijver (2000), Een grote ezel (2000), Lolo's list (2000), Meester Max voor altijd (2000), De grote wedstrijd vrouwen sjouwen (2000), Weer en wind (2000), Knappe Gans (2000), De prijs van poep (2001, with Eric Smaling), Kleine ezel en jarige jakkie (2001), Ik kom nooit meer terug (2001), Beesten in het nieuws (2001), Een fijne verjaardag (2001), Kat in de zak (2001), Boris en het woeste water (2002), Meester Max in de dierentuin (2002), Juf Ellie en juf Nellie (2002)
Website: http://www.rindertkromhout.nl/
Rindert Kromhout

Tom Lanoye
(August 27, 1958)
Belgian writer, playwright, performer and theaterwriter, born as Tom Emiel Gerardine Alo?Lanoye in Sint-Niklaas.
Belgische schrijver, toneelschrijver, columnist, performer en theatermaker, geboren als Tom Emiel Gerardine Alo?Lanoye in Sint-Niklaas.
Books: Rozegeur en maneschijn (1983), In de piste (1984), Bagger (1984), De slagerszoon met het brilletje (1985), Hanestaart (1990), Kartonnen dozen (1991), Doen (1992), Het goddelijke monster (1997), Zwarte tranen (1999), Boze tongen (2002)
Theatre: De slagerszoon met het brilletje, De Canadese muur, De schoonheid van een total loss, Gespleten en bescheten (1996-1997), Ten Oorlog, Ten Oorlog - de solo (2000), Mama Medea (2001)
Website: http://www.lanoye.be/
Tom Lanoye

David Leavitt
(June 23, 1961)
American writer and professor of creative writing at the University of Florida. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and attented Yale University.
Amerikaanse schrijver en docent Creatief Schrijven aan de Universiteit van Florida. Hij is geboren in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania en heeft aan Yale University gestudeerd.
Books: Family dancing/Familiedans (1984), The lost language of cranes/De verloren taal der kranen (1986), Arkansas (1997), The pageturner/De bladomslaander (1998), In Maremma/In de Maremma (with Mark Mitchell)(2001)
David Leavitt

Bram van Leeuwen
(July 18, 1918 - may 27, 2001)
Who wants to be a millionair? Abraham van Leeuwen ('Leo' for friends), born in Rotterdam, did. He was a Dutch former journalist and later multimillonair, whose parties on his yacht often appeared in the gossip- and the gay magazines. He used the name 'Prince de Lignac'.
Books: Vecht voor je geluk (1988), Bandjir, Vuurstorm over Java, Hoe ook u miljonair wordt (1995) (=how you can become a millionaire too), Wat eet een miljonair
CD-single: Jij en ik in een bootje (with Ronnie Tober)

Amy Lowell
(February 9, 1874 - may 12, 1925)
American poet and literary critic, born in Brookline, Massachusets as Amy Lawrence Lowell.
Amerikaanse dichteres en literatuurrecensent, geboren in Brookline, Massachusets als Amy Lawrence Lowell.
Books: What's O'clock (1914), Pictures of a floating world
Amy Lowell

Jean-Baptiste Lully
(November 28, 1632 - march 22, 1687)
French composer, born as Giovanni Battista Lulli in Florence, Italy.
Operas: Alceste ou le triomphe d'Alcide (1674), Atys (1676), Isis (1677), Amadis (1684), Armide (1686), Aciset Galat?(1686)
Ballets: Alcidiade (1658), Xerxes (1660), Les Siasons (1661)

Torben Lund
(November 6, 1950)
Danish ex-minister of the Health Department, born in Vejle. Lund was married to his friend Claus Lutrup in 1999. Lund was the first minister in the Danish government to be open about his homosexuality.
Deens minister van Gezondheid, geboren in Vejle. Lund is in 1999 getrouwd met zijn vriend Claus Lutrup. Lund was de eerste minister in het Deense Parlement die open was over zijn homoseksualiteit.

Cornald Maas
(July 22, 1962)
Dutch journalist, former TV-critic, columnist, writer and Eurovision Song Contest expert, born in Bergen op Zoom. He has studied Dutch in Leiden and has worked for Dutch television programms 'De schreeuw van de Leeuw' and 'De Plantage'.
Nederlandse journalist, voormalig TV-recensent en (nu) columnist in de Volkskrant (Maas en mensen), schrijver en Eurovisie Songfestivaldeskundige, geboren in Bergen op Zoom. Hij heeft Nederlands gestudeerd in Leiden en heeft voor de VARA (redacteur 'De Schreeuw van de Leeuw') en de VPRO (eindredacteur 'De Plantage') gewerkt.
Books: TV.nl; hoe de televisie mijn leven veranderde (2001), Muizemans (2002)
Cornald Maas

Peter Mandelson
(October 21, 1953)
British former secretary of state for Trade and Industry, born as Peter Benjamin Mandelson in London. He was educated at Hendon Senior High School and St. Catherine's in Oxford.

Gordon Marshden
(November 28, 1953)
British politician.

Gian Carlo Menotti
(July 7, 1911)
Italian composer, born in Cadegliano. At the age of 7 he began composing songs and when he was 11 he composed his first opera 'The death of Pierrot'. In 1923 he began his musical training at the Verdi Conservatory in Milan. In 1928 he and his mother emigrated to the USA, where he studied at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. In the USA he met his partner, American composer Samuel Barber.
Operas: Amelia goes to the ball (1937), The old maid and the thief (1939), The medium (1946), The Telephone (1947), The consul (1950), Amahl and the night visitors (1951), The saint of Bleeker Street
Ballet: Sebastian (1944)
Gian Carlo Menotti

Dimitri Mitropoulos
(February 18, 1896 - November 2, 1960)
American conductor, born near Athens, Greece. He became American citizen in 1946. Mitropoulos studied at the Conservatory in Athens and in Berlin. He worked with the Berlin State Opera (1921-1925), the Odeon Conservatory Orchestra (Athens) (1924-1929), the Paris Symphony Orchestra (1932-1936), the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra (1937-1949) and the New York Philharmonic (1949-1958). He died in Milan, Italy.
Amerikaans dirigent, geboren nabij Athene in Griekenland. Hij werd Amerikaans staatsburger in 1946. Mitropoulos studeerde aan het conservatorium in Athene en in Berlijn. Hij werkte bij de Staatsopera in Berlijn (1921-1925), het Odeon Conservatory Orchestra (Athene) (1924-1929), het Paris Symphony Orchestra (1932-1936), het Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra (1937-1949) en het New York Philharmonic (1949-1958). Hij overleed in Milaan, Itali?/i>
Dimitri Mitropoulos

Paul Monette
(October 16, 1945 - February 10, 1995)
Writer and poet, born in Lawrence, Massuchusetts. He died of Aids.
Schrijver en dichter, geboren in Lawrence, Massuchusetts. Hij is gestorven aan Aids.
Books: Taking care of Mrs.Carroll (1978), The Gold Diggers (1979), The long shot (1981), Afterlife (1990), Halfway home (1991), Borrowed time: An Aids memoir, Sanctuary: A tale of life in the woods (1999), Becoming a man - half a lifestory
Documentary about Monette: Paul Monette: The Brink of Summer's end (1997)
Paul Monette

Adrienne Monnier
(April 26, 1892 - June 19, 1955)
French writer and publisher. She owned bookshop 'La Maison des Amis des Livres' at 7, Rue l'Odeon in Paris. Just across the street American Sylvia Beach opened bookshop 'Shakespeare and Company'. Beach and Monier had an affair.
Franse schrijfster en uitgeefster. Ze was de eigenaresse van de boekwinkel 'La Maison des Amis des Livres' aan de Rue l'Odeon nummer 7 in Paris. Aan de overkant van de straat opende de Amerikaanse Sylvia Beach haar boekwinkel 'Shakespeare and Company'. Beach en Monier hebben een relatie gehad.

Marlow Moss
British painter and sculptor, born as Marjorie Jewel Moss. She had an affair with Dutch writer A.H. Nijhoff.
Britse schilderes en beeldhouwster, geboren als Marjorie Jewel Moss. Ze heeft een relatie gehad met de Nederlandse schrijfster A.H. Nijhoff.

Max Mutchnick
American writer and producer.
TV: The wonder years (story), Will & Grace (1998, writer, producer)

George Passmore
(January 8, 1942)
British artist, born in Plymouth, Devon. He met his partner Gilbert Proesch (together they work under the name of 'Gilbert and George') in 1967 at Central St. Martin's School of Art.
Britse kunstenaar, geboren in Plymouth, Devon. Hij ontmoette zijn partner Gilbert Proesch, met wie hij samenwerkt onder de naam 'Gilbert and George', in 1967 aan de Central St. Martin's School of Art.

Cecil Rhodes
(July 5, 1853 - march 26, 1902)
South African politician, born as Cecil John Rhodes in Bishops Stortford, England. At the age of 17 he was sent to South Africa because of ill health. He made a fortune at the diamond fields of Kimberley. He became a statesman of South Africa and in 1890 became Prime Minister of the Cape Colony. Rhodes died in Cape Town.
Zuid-Afrikaanse politicus, geboren als Cecil John Rhodes in Bishops Stortford, Engeland. Toen hij 17 was werd hij in verband met zijn slechte gezondheid naar Zuid Afrika gestuurd. Hij werd rijk op de diamantvelden van Kimberley. Hij werd politicus voor Zuid Afrika en werd in 1890 Eerste Minister van de Kaapkolonie. Rhodes overleed in Kaapstad.
Cecil Rhodes

Chris Rice
American writer, born in Berkeley, California. He is the son of writer Anne Rice, who has written 'Interview with a vampire', and poet and painter Stan Rice. Christopher Rice was raised in San Francisco.

Books: A density of souls (2000), The snow garden (2002)
Chris Rice

Jeffrey Richman
American TV-producer and writer.
Amerikaanse TV-producer en schrijver.
TV: Frasier, Say Uncle (2001)

Svend Robinson
(march 4, 1952)
Canadian member of Parliament and first openly gay MP. Robinson was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA).

Astrid Roemer
(April 27, 1947)
Surinam lesbian writer and politician, who was born in Paramaribo as Astrid Heligonda Roemer. She moved to the Netherlands in 1966. Roemer writes plays, poetry, radio plays and novels.
Books: Sasa (1970), Over de gekte van een vrouw (1979), Nergens ergens (1983), Levenslang gedicht (1985), De achtentwintigste dag (1988), Lijken op liefde, Gewaagd leven (1996), 'Miauw' 24 nieuwe gedichten (2001), Rosa (2002)
Astrid Roemer

Anthony Romero
American executive director of the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), who was born in the Bronx, New York. He used to work for the Ford Foundation.

Ned Rorem
American composer, writer and critic.
Amerikaanse componist, schrijver en criticus.
Books: The Paris diary (1966), Knowing when to stop (1994)
Ned Rorem

Hillary Rosen
American president of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). Together with her partner Elizabeth Birch she adopted twins Jacob and Anna in 1999.

David Sedaris
(December 26, 1957)
American author, playwright and National Public Radio commentator, born in Binghamton, New York.
Books: Barrel fever (1994), Naked/Naakt (1997/2001), Holiday on Ice (1997), Me talk pretty one day/Ik ooit mooi praten (2000/2002)
Plays: Stitches (1994), One woman shoe (1995)
David Sedaris

4 Magnus Hirschfeld
5 The Patrons of Stonewall Inn
6 Walt Whitman Quaker; Transcendentalist
8 Karl Heinrich Ulrichs
9 Edward Carpenter
10 J. A. Symonds
11 Mary Wollstonecraft Unitarian
12 Susan B. Anthony Quaker; Unitarian

15 Hadrian
16 St. Augustine Greek state paganism; Manichaeanism; Catholic

21 Johann Joachim Winckelmann
22 Harry Hay
23 Harvey Milk Jewish
24 Queen Christina of Sweden occultist
25 Edward II
26 Jane Addams
27 Emily Dickinson
28 Radclyffe Hall
29 Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
30 Andre Gide
31 Marcel Proust Jewish Catholic
32 Michel Foucault

34 John Cage Buddhist
35 Ruth Benedict
36 James Baldwin
37 Hafiz Muslim
39 The Ladies of Llangollen
40 David and Jonathan Jewish
41 Petronius
42 The Amazons
43 Natalie Barney
44 Eleanor Roosevelt Episcopalian
45 Jean Genet
47 Adrienne Rich Jewish
48 Larry Kramer Jewish
50 Rosa Bonheur
51 Author Rimbaud/Paul Verlaine Catholic
52 Audre Lorde Neo-Pagan
53 We'wha Zuni (Native American traditional religion)

55 Willa Cather Episcopalian
56 Barney Frank Jewish
57 Bayard Rustin Quaker

59 Martha Carey Thomas
60 Christopher Isherwood Hindu (Vedanta Society)

64 Sir Harold Nicolson/Vita Sackville-West
65 Eslie de Wolfe

70 H.D.
71 Dr. S. Josephine Baker
72 Romaine Brooks
73 Benjamin Britten
75 Kate Millett Catholic
77 Barbara Gittings
78 Martin Duberman
79 Gloria Anzaldua/Cherrie Moraga
80 Mary Renault
83 Alan Turing Jewish
84 Roy Cohn Jewish
85 Anna Freud Jewish; Freudian
86 Entertainers of Harlem:Gladys Bentley/Ma Rainey/Bessie Smith
87 Dr. Tom Waddell
88 Holly Near
91 Judy Grahn
92 Edmund White
93 Katherine Philips
94 Ethel Smyth
95 Halston
96 Samuel Delaney
